The fruits of her own hands….US built China’s power by shipping its resources: American author


uschinaclimate-10-150x150Got it. It can get no clearer than this….”We cannot deny the fact that the Christian West is responsible for this universal corruption in the land and sea.

From the same corruption that their own hands have wrought will come their doom.

The Christians preach that which they do not do and cannot do; such as “Love thy neighbor.” I have as yet to meet one who loved his neighbor as he did himself; “Thou shall not kill.” I have as yet to meet such a Christian.

They even fight against each other, rob and kill each other, but yet represent themselves as world peacemakers — with whom?

The great deceivers of the world will reap what they have sown.”-pg.169(tfoa)

US built China’s power by shipping its resources: American author

American author and attorney J. Michael Springmann says the United States has contributed to the rise of China by shipping its resources, its companies, its jobs to the Asian country and is now trying to thwart China’s growth by exploiting longstanding territorial disputes in the region.

Springmann, who served in the US government as a diplomat with postings in Germany, India, and Saudi Arabia, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Sunday while commenting on the US military’s latest threats to China over the South China Sea.

Springman opined that he thinks” the American Admiral Scott Swift is a bit over the top in his comments about China and fortifying various islands in the Southeast Asia region”, noting that “it’s a long standing controversy going back decades amongst the countries in the area … and the Americans seem now to be exploiting this as a way to try and thwart China’s growth in the region.”

US Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral Scott Swift said on Saturday that the “angst” China has generated has forced East Asian nations to reinforce their own defences and also to seek much deeper US military engagement.

“The United States really has built up China’s power by shipping its resources, its companies, its jobs, to China – to make things terribly cheaply to be sold dearly in the United States, and taking jobs away from American workers,” Springmann said.

He went on to say that “these are the people who pay taxes to use their disposable income to buy American products,” noting that “it’s a self-defeating operation and now apparently America is at a military confrontation with China, which has lots of people…”

“The Chinese”, he observed, “can absorb enormous casualties and the Americans can’t, but the Americans are into a tremendously provocative stance, both in China and with Russia.”

“I really don’t understand why President Obama is doing this. People say he is stupid, but I think it is very, very calculated. I think it plays up to the American militarists, and the big businessmen, who see war as a great way of making fortunes,” said the author of the Visas for al-Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World.

“They did this with creating the Mujahideen [Afghan warriors who fought against the Soviet Union in the 1980s], and al-Qaeda and ISIL. There’s a job for the boys! There’s an effort to redistribute wealth. For every bomb that you set off, you have to build another one,” he stated.

“And the Americans somehow don’t realize that war is not a good future prospect for an industrial economy’ it’s a very negative, un-economic attitude,” he noted.

“I believe the Chinese have as much right to the South China Sea, which is named the South China Sea,” he observed.

“I just don’t understand this. I think that it’s the will to power. I think the Americans can do this because they have the weapons, and they’ve got the guns. They are jingoist.

They want to threaten war, if not make war, and it’s remarkably stupid and very, very counterproductive,” the former US diplomat stated.


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