Desperate To Maintain Her Ruling Position, US ‘Torpedoing’ Major Projects of Developing Countries Like China-Led AIIB


Desperate To Maintain Her Ruling Position, US ‘Torpedoing’ Major Projects of Developing Countries Like China-Led AIIB


America, in trying to hold her place as the greatest power among the nations of earth, is one of the most troubled countries on earth today. She is in deep trouble. It has become impossible for her to maintain her ruling position, but she is willing to cede the top spot yet.

She never thought that this day would arrived. She had become inebriated over being constantly fed the idea that she was the world’s sole super power. This delusional thinking is what has contributed to her downfall and loss of global position and world friendship.

 It goes without saying that the Bible is correct“‘And the nations (Europe and Asia) stood afar away off for fear of her burning (U.S.A.) And for fear of her Divine Plagues. “

Her arrogance will be her own undoing. She is pushing the people away. She just cannot continue like this….

US ‘Torpedoing’ Major Projects of Developing Countries Like China-Led AIIB

Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz argues that emerging markets are capable of carrying out major projects “with high social returns” and intend to create new economic institutions which would benefit the developing world. Rich countries are not thrilled by the prospect.

Needless to say, the United States is not happy about it and is doing all it can to maintain its grip on the global financial architecture and undermine these initiatives, he wrote in an article titled “America in the Way.”

Stiglitz praised emerging markets for succeeding in “truly enormous” tasks, ranging from infrastructure development to the shift to a green economy. Developing countries, according to the economist, “have demonstrated their ability to absorb huge amounts of money productively.”
What they need is long-term investment. The West could offer the much needed funds through global financial markets. “The problem … is that the world’s financial markets, meant to mediate efficiently between savings and investment opportunities, instead misallocate capital and create risk,” Stiglitz stated.
Advanced economies have also pledged to support emerging markets by committing a certain percentage of their gross national product to development assistance under the so-called Millennium Development Goals, the economist noted. Only a few countries manage to deliver on their promises.
“Today, developing countries and emerging markets say to the US and others: If you will not live up to your promises, at least get out of the way and let us create an international architecture for a global economy that works for the poor, too. Not surprisingly, the existing hegemons, led by the US, are doing whatever they can to thwart such efforts,” Stiglitz explained….More Here
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