US under fire for mass spying programs worldwide


spy2 You just don’t get it do you? America is spying on everyone, friend and foe, because she is fearful about the time. In no way is America a fool. She knows that this is the day wherein God comes to take her.

She knows that God stirs the nations up against her to take her. She understands well that prophecy must be fulfilled. The judgment has her squarely in its eyes.

US under fire for mass spying programs worldwide

spyBecause of her arrogance, her policies, her wars of aggression, deception, her imperialism, her greed, her corruption, her evil, her insatiable appetite to rule all, her bloodshed and unrighteous rule, & her mistreatment of you and I most of all, she knows that she is deserving of nothing but death and destruction.

I say to you black man and woman, do not fear this devil and his plans of conquest, nor his evil snooping on all ….”There is nothing that you have to fear today, but God Himself. It is useless for us to fear our enemy after the coming and presence of our God, Who has power over the very atoms of life; for it is fear of the white man that will cause our people to eat the fire of hell with the white man if they do not recognize the fact that it is God Whom they should fear and not the devil. The world of the white man is now crumbling and coming to naught. The safety of the Black man is in His God. As the Holy Qur’an teaches us, in this day and time, seek refuge in Allah, the God of the Black man. He is the only place of refuge.

We have made America one of the richest and strongest people on earth. Her mighty navy is commanding the high seas with undersea craft crawling on the bottom of the ocean, carrying deadly weapons to surface and pour out on towns and cities of other than America and with listening devices set up throughout the earth on land, sea, and in the air, to listen to see what people are saying about her and planning against her, knowing she is guilty and deserving of death, and that she should be taken and destroyed.

She has prepared to put up a mighty battle, but Allah too has prepared and He is the Best Preparer; knowing their thoughts before they were ever made. They have not the slightest chance today against the power of Allah that is working against them, even through the forces of nature.

The white race has been disgracing the entire Black nation of the earth. Africa is suffering under the same wicked power of the white race and having an awful time trying to rid herself of such a demon. She will do so – and soon.

Here in America, Almighty Allah (God) wants to make himself known with both the punishment and the destruction of this mighty, powerful, and rich people.

Fear not, my dear Black people, for we have Allah with us; and He is a mighty, a strong, and the most powerful one to be feared. Come follow me, and I will lead you to your salvation.”-pgs.82 & 83(tfoa)

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