The Threat Of Thermonuclear War Is Real


ww13It’s become too real. We have herald it for years. We continue to tell you just how close to war the two power blocks are.

In fact, the whole world is sitting on pins and needles due to fear of the coming war. You don’t know it because you are too pre-occupied with Lebron James, Floyd Mayweather, Ronda Rousey, The Steve Harvey Show, & the Kardashians.

ww3naYour mind is in foolishness, but this is what the devil wants. He knows that he can take your attention and put it on foolishness, even as the hour of his doom arrives. You have been made afoul through sport and play, but its going to be a bad day for you soon.

The hourly is quickly approaching. Even the highest level of government in different nations are warning you of what they see just up the road.

World War III would spell end of humanity: Russia

Russia’s State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin (© AFP)
Amid growing tensions between Moscow and the West, a senior Russian lawmaker has slammed enemies for resorting to Cold War-era tactics and threatening his country, warning that the outbreak of a third world war would spell doom for humanity.

Sergei Naryshkin, chairman of the State Duma, made the remarks in an interview with Izvestia daily, published on Thursday, on the anniversary of Russia’s joining World War I on Serbia’s side, Russia Today reported.

“World War III would be the last for the humanity. And strengthening of Russia’s defense potential, including the budgetary decisions passed by the State Duma, is done only for one purpose, which is to prevent the war,” he said.
Pointing to Russia’s resolve to defend the interests of its allies and “close people,” the lawmaker stressed, however, that Moscow would not try to meet this end by using military force but via “pressing for strict observation of the international law by others, not by violating it.”

“Many military conflicts started with the silent connivance to the ideas of one people’s superiority over others. In this sense the modern ideologies of exceptionalism are extremely dangerous,” Naryshkin stated.
Stryker vehicles of the US Army’s 2nd Cavalry Regiment roll a highway during a military exercise, in Riga, Latvia, March 22, 2015. (© AP)

The top parliamentarian added that the Kremlin has many allies around the world even in the countries whose governments are not friendly toward Moscow.

“We know that real public sentiments are different there, if all EU countries had the opportunity do make independent decisions on anti-Russian sanctions we would see a very different picture,” he said.

He highlighted that the current crisis in Europe is of benefit to the US as it is weakening EU nations and damaging their international reputation.

Relations between the West and Russia are at their lowest point since the end of the Cold War in 1991, largely due to the crisis in Ukraine.

Kiev and its Western allies accuse Moscow of sending troops into eastern Ukraine in support of the pro-Russian forces. Moscow has long denied involvement in Ukraine’s crisis.

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