U.S. looking to stir up chaos in LatAm


latinamerleftWe knew that this was coming. In fact we told you that it was coming. This is the time prophesied in the Bible wherein the Ten horns(South & Central America) would awaken to the root cause of their problems….the whore…the beast…America!

It’s here. It’s happening. It now!

U.S. looking to stir up chaos in LatAm: Venezuelan president


CARACAS, July 24 (Xinhua) — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Friday accused the United States of looking to “implode” the South American nation and instill “a sea of chaos” in the region.
In an interview with the Caracas-based television network TeleSUR, Maduro said the continent’s progressive governments will react.
“Faced with (U.S.) President (Barack) Obama’s intent to leave a positive legacy regarding Latin America, there is also a policy established by the Pentagon and the State Department which have set out to leave Latin America in chaos,” Maduro said.
An “imperial power” exists and aims to stir up chaos, Maduro said, referring to the recent protests in Ecuador against President Rafael Correa as a “show of imperial ambitions”.
Latin America has found itself in the “epicenter of a battle” for its independence and dignity, and is striving to build a new society which will surpass capitalism, Maduro said.
On the same day, Maduro accused his Guyanese counterpart David Granger of promoting an “scenario of destabilization” against his government over a century-old territory dispute of the lands west of the Essequibo River of Guyana, with the support of the United States.
Maduro noted that during Granger’s recent visit to the United States, he met with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere, Roberta Jacobson, to discuss this issue.
“What was Granger doing in Washington? Was he looking for an scenario of peace, understanding and respect of international law? On the contrary he was receiving orders on how to destabilize Venezuela,” he sentenced.
The Venezuelan president called for the support of the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean to “neutralize” what he called a “new stage” of aggression against Venezuela and the region.
“Let us raise awareness of peace, regional union and neutralize by diplomatic dialogue this aggression of the President of Guyana against Venezuela,” he said.
He confirmed that his government adheres to the 1966 Geneva Agreement endorsed by the United Nations to resolve the territorial dispute, a mechanism that has been rejected by Granger.
The controversy centers on the lands west of the Essequibo River of Guyana, covering about two thirds of the small English-speaking nation after the U.S. company made an offshore oil discovery.
The dispute stems from an 1899 court ruling that required Venezuela to relinquish an undeveloped but resource-rich jungle territory called the Essequibo that constitutes about two-thirds of Guyanese territory.
Caracas contends the ruling was invalid after a treaty was signed in 1966 with Guyana and its former colonial metropolis, Britain.
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