America’s secret plans behind the restoration of ties with Cuba


img-Cuba-U-S-expected-to-announce-reopening-of-embassiesNote : We already told you that this was coming. We wrote it in the article titled:

US plans to destabilize Cuba are in full effect – U.S., Cuba to announce reopening of embassies on Wednesday 

And now for sweet vindication, Sputnik News is reporting the same thing.

US Prepares Regime Change in Cuba – Panamanian Journalist

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The United States and Cuba officially resumed diplomatic relations and reopened their embassies on Monday after severing ties 54 years ago.

In an exclusive interview with Sputnik, Panamanian journalist and sociologist Marco A. Gandásegui Hijo described the move as an encounter between a train engine and a bicycle.
“The United States is plotting a regime change in Cuba which, for its part, is trying to reopen the trade channels Washington sealed more than half a century ago. In any case, there is a great difference between these two objectives,” Marco said.
“The US financial oligarchy managed to convince all other elements of the American ruling class that the Cuban Revolution would not collapse even without the Soviet help that ended late last century… The Americans also realized the need for an invasion, not military but economic and financial, so that they can use the money they invest in Cuba to destabilize the Revolution,” he noted.
“For Cuba this is the moment of truth… The revolution will survive only if it learns to coexist with the capitalist world that surrounds it. Diplomacy-size, Cuba managed to become part of Latin America. It maintains diplomatic ties with Western Europe, Canada, it has built an effectively working relationship with China and Russia.”
“Whether it will manage to meet the Americans halfway is a big question though. The Cubans know that the Americans do not mean well. The Cubans could learn from the not-so-distant past and build a strategy that will help them avoid the mistakes Russia made [during its transition to capitalism] and the radicalism of the Chinese. Besides, China and Russia are countries of a continental scale, while Cuba is an island of about 12 million people…”
In his June 30 letter to Cuban leader Raul Castro, US President Barack Obama pledged to maintain high-level relations with Havana, based on mutual respect, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs and respect for each other’s territorial integrity.
“Well, paper can’t blush, can it? The Cubans know full well that the Americans want to destabilize the Revolution by making them sell out for money – a sort of a Plan B after the debacle of 1959… As for the Cubans, they now have a historic chance to capitalize of the situation and establish an international, even a global network of economic and political ties in order to keep their identity and survive,” Marco Gandásegui Hijo said in an exclusive interview with Sputnik.
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