The hunger to take her(America) is growing in her enemies


Russian President Vladimir Putin visits ChinaI compare the fall of America with the fall of ancient Babylon. Her wickedness (sins), is the same as history shows of ancient Babylon. She was arrogant. She was boastful.

Babylon was rich and powerful and the most powerful of nations in her prime. She made war on any and everyone who crossed her or whom she saw as a threat. Isn’t the exactly the policies of America today?

She knew no rival or power her equal. She had become, just as America is today, drunk on power. In her eyes it’s either her way or bombs away. This policy is a policy of crazed men and women in the bowels of power in D.C..

Russia-Holds-De-Dollarization-Meeting-China-Iran-Willing-To-Drop-USD-From-Bilateral-Trade Her doom has come, and none said the prophets shall help her in the day of her downfall. We see her doom just as clear as day. She no longer can maintain  her rule or impose her dictates on others.

It is clear to all who can see that America has reached the stage about which she always has been warned. She has alienated friends and foes alike. Everyone hates her.

This is the day of God Almighty to set up justice and equality throughout the earth. So God stirs the nations anger and hatred towards America up.

…”And the Bible warns America of what happened before her. Ancient Babylon enjoyed a fulfilling position at her time. But King Darius came against her at the time of her full enjoyment of wealth, drunkenness and her laughing at the slaves that she had made of Israel. King Darius came with his army and overcame the sleeping guards who were sleeping on the security of their life.

Enjoy your wars and economic collapseThe Bible prophesies that the enemy will say, “Come, let us go up and destroy her whose city is not fenced in.” And they will come from afar. They may come at noon-day, or they may come at rising in the morning, or in the afternoon. But, nevertheless they will come at a time that you thought not.

After the war — “and unto the end of the war, desolations are determined….and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” (Bible Dan. 9:26-27) I want you to know that, that which will be poured means: it is the deprivation of you, America, of your ever getting back into power again to attack the nations of the earth.”-Chp.49(tfoa)

‘China would be the bank and Russia would be the big gun’ in Central Asia

We are seeing the emergence of a dual power structure in Central Asia, with China as the dominant economic power and Russia as the big security player.

Or, as Alexander Gabuev, senior associate and the chair of the Russia in the Asia-Pacific program at the Carnegie Moscow Center, told Foreign Policy: “China would be the bank and Russia would be the big gun.”

China continues to take the lead in economic-power ventures including the AIIB and the potential SCO development bank (which Russia is finally warming up to). Additionally, China has become the main moneylender in Central Asia: Its trade volume with the region surpassed that of Russia in 2009.

At the same time, Russia wants to keep its military bases and arms deals in Central Asia, as well as the Collective Security Treaty Organisation, a security bloc of former Soviet countries.

China “sees economics as power,” according to a report by Stratfor. “For Beijing, military might rests on a strong economic base, and global power stems as much from the ability to shape global markets as it does from military force.”….More Here

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