After US stunt with dummy nuclear warhead, Russia goes on war alert & moves to show they can repel any US/NATO nuke attack


nuclear21Note: This is not happening in some type of geopolitical void. This latest move by Moscow is in response to a highly provocative move carried out just days ago by the US Airforce that signaled to Russia that America plans to escalate war to a thermonuclear war in the coming conflagration between America and Russia.

We have been saying as much for a long time. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that we these two counter power meet on the battlefield in Europe, Russia would dig into America forcing America to resort to her last symbol of power, thermonuclear war.

                               US Russia edging to nuclear catastrophe

….After the war — “and unto the end of the war, desolations are determined….and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” (Bible Dan. 9:26-27) I want you to know that, that which will be poured means: it is the deprivation of you, America, of your ever getting back into power again to attack the nations of the earth.

apocalypse2 Europe will become one of the worse war areas of all the world; more dreadful than Viet Nam and other places that you are planning on going into. Asia will look like child’s play when compared to what is going to happen in Europe. The prophets say,” Woe to the land that is shadowed with wings.” This means America whose sky is filled with planes.”-Chp.49(tfoa)

This would be reciprocated by Russia on a massive scale. Europe would become cannon fodder. In fact, Europe will become a desolate wasteland making what took place in world war 2 look like child’s play.

Moscow slams US’ recent nuclear bomb test as ‘irresponsible’ & ‘openly provocative’

Things are definitely heading that way. After America’s move by her Air force to drop dummy nuclear bombs in a dry run for war in the Middle-Eastern/North African…European landscape, violating every treaty and international norm, Russia is now demonstrating it’s ability to repel any American/NATO nuclear strike against her.

Russian Air Defense Forces to Conduct Large-Scale Drills in Southern Region

Russian Air Defense Forces will conduct extensive exercises from 31 August to 4 September in the Astrakhan region.
The drills will include guidance and combat firing from a variety of weapons.

More than 1500 soldiers and 700 pieces of equipment will take part in the training, reports the press service of the Southern Military District.

“The active phase of the field drills will be held at the last stage — from 31 August to 4 September, during which the units will undergo training of fire control and firing of all weapons in combat situations.To impersonate an imaginary enemy, tactical aviation aircraft are planned to make more than 100 flights,” the statement read.

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