In preparations for more US/NATO provocations, Russia’s Black Sea submarine fleet is getting a serious upgrade


Russia’s Black Sea submarine fleet is getting a serious upgrade
Business Insider By Jeremy Bender

Russia is making moves to revive and increase the size and scope of its Black Sea submarine fleet, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated.
Russian Navy Admiral Viktor Chirkov stated during a meeting with the Main Naval Command in Saint Petersburg on Monday that he believes that the submarine fleet will be “revived” and ready for action by 2016.

The submarines will be based at the Novorossiysk port on the Russian mainland across from the Crimean peninsula.

The submarine fleet will be augmented by the inclusion of six new diesel-electric submarines that Russia has been phasing into service since 2014.

“The construction of 6 diesel-electrical submarines (project 636) for the Black Sea Fleet is under the control of the Main Navy Command. ‘Novorossiysk’ and ‘Rostov-on-Don’ submarines were put into service in 2014,” Chirkov said. “‘Krasnodar’ submarine will join the Navy by the end of 2015.”

Three other submarines will additionally be added to the fleet by the end of 2016. The submarines of project 636 have been designed to excel at warfare in shallower water while being arguably the quietest submarines in the world.

“The formation will consist of a group of 636 submarines, which have a large sea endurance, modern weapon systems, effective radio and navigational systems,” Chirkov said…..more here

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