Geopolitical Analysts describes US moves against Russia as delusional


US Gen. remark on Russia ‘irresponsible’: Analyst


Flores says the statement by US Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno, who warned Russia not to create a crisis, is “irresponsible.”
The latest statement made by US Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno who warned Russia not to create a crisis is “irresponsible,” a political analyst says.

Joaquin Flores, the director at the Center for Syncretic Studies, made the comments when Press TV asked for his views on Washington’s threats against Moscow over the Ukraine crisis.

“The United States is a military power, it is a regional hegemon. Its power in North America is uncontested, but in so far as it tries to extend its tentacles across the world, more and more it is finding it’s very difficult to maintain a foothold,” Flores said on Sunday.

“We can see really that it can’t follow through with its threats but it does benefit the military-industrial complex,” he added.

According to Flores, military-industrial complex includes a wide range of companies from IT technologies to electronics and military hardware.

General Odierno advised Moscow to avoid creating a crisis.

“We hope that the Russians wouldn’t (create a crisis), but we always must be prepared,” he said.

The general also revealed plans by the Pentagon to deploy tanks and other military vehicles in the Baltic states to speed up supply in case of a crisis.

Flores, meanwhile, believes this is too much for the US military to accomplish as it is already out of its comfort zone with more than 800 military bases all over the world.

The analyst also noted that the United States “has higher unemployment rate than most of the rest of so-called Western world.”

Flores said the United States has the highest prison incarceration rate in the world and its literacy rate is also on decline.

He concluded his remarks by saying that although US threats do not surprise anybody, but the country is “hypocritical” because it threatens Russia that is trying to maintain stability in its own spear of influence.

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