As “The Judgment” heats up, the beast(America) lashes out against her ex-slaves


Police-officers-arrest-a-demonstrator-on-August-18-2014-in-Ferguson-AFP-800x430This evil and wicked nation called America has definitely earned her prophetic name.The revelation of the Bible has given this people the right name (a beast) and a most vicious description does the revelation give. In Daniel of the Bible, this people is described as a beast rising up out of the sea with three ribs of a man in its mouth. This is the description of America with the Black slaves swallowed for three centuries in the power of our enemies (the devils).

They continue, right up to this very day, to mistreat and kill us without a second thought about the consequences of her actions of evil. We helped to make her free and independent, yet she hates you more than any of her enemies outside of her borders.

We have been eating the bread of affliction and suffering the poisonous bites of our white slave master. For nearly 5 centuries she has deprived us of equality and justice. This is written in her books.

…”America is careful not to give any help to her Black once-slave for four hundred years to do something for themselves. America wants to keep her Black slave tied while she watches their movements.


FERGUSON, MO - AUGUST 17:  John Morgan, a demonstrator protesting Michael Brown's murder, poses for a portrait with his sign August 17, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri.Tensions still run high in the Ferguson community after 18 -year-old Michael Brown was killed by a Ferguson Police Officer August 9 on Canfield Drive. (Photo by Joshua Lott/Getty Images)

FERGUSON, MO – AUGUST 17: John Morgan, a demonstrator protesting Michael Brown’s murder, poses for a portrait with his sign August 17, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri.Tensions still run high in the Ferguson community after 18 -year-old Michael Brown was killed by a Ferguson Police Officer August 9 on Canfield Drive. (Photo by Joshua Lott/Getty Images)

If we go to her asking America for a territory so that we can live to ourselves, she turns a deaf ear to us. We helped America for four hundred years, in every respect as though we were one-half owners of the country. We have gotten nothing in return but beatings, cheatings and shootings down on the highway.

If we think that there is a God of Mercy (and there is One)…should we not think that He will sympathize with the poor Black slave to receive justice from his master?

Demonstrators call for justice for the 34 mineworkers killed by police at MarikanaThe Black slave helped to make America rich. Would Allah, (God) be silent forever? Being the God of Righteousness and Justice, would He not take to Himself the work of aiding the poor Black people against their evil oppressors?”-pgs.109 & 110(tfoa)

This is why the nations are being turned against her. This is why she is being rejected globally. This is why her economy is imploding. This is why her civilization has been reduced to savagery.

This is a just recompense for her dealings with her ex-slaves. And knowing this, she still is killing our people daily under the guise of law enforcement.

Mississippi police officer chokes unarmed black man to death


Jonathan Sanders, 39, was choked to death by a white Mississippi police officer.
Police have announced that an unarmed black man was strangled to death in a physical struggle with a white police officer in Stonewall, Mississippi.

Jonathan Sanders, 39, was riding his horse buggy when he was approached by police officer Kevin Harrington Wednesday.

Sanders’ attorney Stewart Parrish said Harrington then pulled him away from his horse and choked him to death with a flashlight.

Stonewall police confirmed the death by asphyxiation but denied the use of a flashlight.

“We won’t know, until the autopsy is over, what was the actual cause of death, but there was no flashlight used to choke anybody; that is false. And there were no shots fired by either man, there were no weapons at all, and he was not dragged off a horse,” said Michael Street, the chief of Stonewall Police Department.

Police also reaffirmed that Sanders was cooperative and voluntarily stepped down from his buggy, but it is still unknown why Harrington stopped him.

The attorney, who is also a former law enforcement officer, said that there was no reason for the police to choke him to death while they could have easily resorted to Taser and pepper spray to take him under control in case he was resisting.

According to witnesses, the officer first approached a man who talked to Sanders in his car and then decided to approach Sanders.

Witnesses also said during the physical clash Sanders could clearly be heard saying “I can’t breathe!”

Mississippi Bureau of Investigation has since launched a probe into the case. Harrington is also on the leave for an unspecified period.

Stonewall police have asked people to remain calm during the investigations, calling on them not to take the matter onto the streets.

“We don’t need anything being taken out into the street, our community is a good community. We don’t see any issues there. We are going to continue our good relationship,” Street said.

According to the Guardian, American law enforcement officers have killed a total of 547 people by the end of June this year and if the trend continues at its current pace the death toll may reach 1100 by the end of 2015.

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