US seeking to replace Putin with CIA-backed regime: Madsen


When reading this news and contemplating over the video, never forget that this is the time wherein these two powerful nations sally forth after each other. Knowing this, it should not come as a surprise when you here of the provocatives acts that each one commits towards the other!

US seeking to replace Putin with CIA-backed regime: Madsen


The US is seeking to replace Putin with a CIA-backed regime, Madsen said.
Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen believes that the United States is seeking to replace Russian President Vladimir Putin with a CIA-backed regime.

“There are still these American dreams of ousting Putin and replacing him with some corrupt oligarch like Mikhail Khodorkovsky or a number of these CIA-supported and George Soros-supported Russian gangsters,” he said on Sunday.

American billionaire George Soros has been accused of using his money to subvert the political systems of many Eastern European and Central Asian countries.

The columnist made the remarks in an interview with Press TV regarding Putin’s congratulatory Independence Day message to President Barack Obama.

Madsen said Putin has made the right decision by calling on Obama to sit down and work together in order to resolve global issues.

“President Putin is correct in talking about how he and President Obama need to work together as they have been on Iran nuclear talks and on other issues,” he said.

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