Fallout: Russia Readies for Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defense Games


Note: This is a precursor to all out war! When a nation openly prepares to confront three of the most dangerous types of warfare while under geopolitical, political, and economic pressure from a group of nations, this tells us that they are gearing up for war.

This tells us that war could breakout at anytime. Russia is now sounding the great war alarm. Something major is soon to take place.

Fallout: Russia Readies for Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defense Games


Qualifying rounds for the Safe Environment competition have been held across Russia in military units related to the country’s Troops of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense.

Russia’s Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense troops are preparing for the upcoming international Safe Environment competition; this week saw a series of qualification rounds for the event held in military units throughout Russia.
During the qualifiers, participants practiced extreme driving, eliminating a subversive group, operating in a contaminated area and navigating through a wall of fire.

Earlier, Colonel General Igor Klimov, deputy head of the Russian Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Troops, said that observers from six countries will attend the Safe Environment competition, due to kick off in Russia’s Yaroslavl region on August 1.
“At the moment, chemical defense troops from China and Belarus have signaled their readiness to take part in the competition. In addition, observers from Vietnam, Egypt, Iran, North Korea, Myanmar and Turkmenistan will be participating in the event,” Klimov said.
He expressed hope that these countries will also take part in the Safe Environment competition in the future.
Klimov added that crews from Russia and Belarus will use RHM-4 radiological and chemical reconnaissance vehicles during the competition, while China will use its domestically made military hardware.

The contest comprises four stages, including driving across difficult terrains, firing drills, demonstrating specific levels of training and conducting nuclear, biological and chemical reconnaissance.
The competition, which is due to wrap up on August 15, is a part of the 2015 International Army Games
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/russia/20150703/1024165905.html#ixzz3eru7tRMa

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