Chinese/Russia led SCO(Shanghi Cooperation Organization) Moves To Confront US Lead NATO


Note: Most of you don’t realize that the announcement of this meeting and the signing of the Defense Ministers’ of member states in this time of confrontation between Russia and NATO & America vs. China, is to send the West a signal that the organization spearheaded by Russia and China is preparing to confront American power visa vi NATO!

SCO Members to Sign Defense Ministries’ Cooperation Plan for 2016-2017


The SCO member states’ defense ministers will sign on Tuesday in St. Petersburg the Cooperation plan of the ministries for 2016-2017.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states’ defense ministers will sign on Tuesday in St. Petersburg the Cooperation plan of the ministries for 2016-2017, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

“In the course of the meeting, it is planned to sign the Cooperation plan of the defense ministries for 2016-2017 as well as to adopt a number of documents, which will allow to improve the cooperation level among the defense departments within the Organization,” the ministry said in the statement.

The statement added that the ministers will discuss issues of the international and regional security and a SCO’s consolidated reaction to new challenges and threats.
“Particular attention will be focused on practical activities aimed at the usage of the SCO forces and means to provide peace and stability in the region,” the ministry stressed.
According to the statement, the delegations of all member states — Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, as well as the representatives of the Secretariat and the SCO’s Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure will attend the meeting.
The SCO is a political, economic and military alliance, established in 2001. Russia currently holds the rotating SCO presidency and will held the Organization’s summit on July 8-10 in the city of Ufa.
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