Paul Craig Roberts Warns Greek Government May Be Assassinated In This Crisis If They Pivot East To Stop World War III


Paul Craig Roberts Warns Greek Government May Be Assassinated In This Crisis If They Pivot East To Stop World War III


With people around the world worried about the escalating crisis in Greece and conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, today former U.S. Treasury official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, warned King World News that the Greek government may be assassinated if they pivot East to stop World War III.

Former US Treasury official Paul Craig Roberts (below) says Greece may maneuver to stop

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: “The Greek people and the Greek government have before them the unique opportunity to prevent World War III. All the Greek government needs to do, if the Greek people will get behind the government, is to default on the loans, resign from the EU and from NATO, and accept the deal that the Russians have offered them….

Continue reading the Dr. Paul Craig Roberts interview below…

“This would begin the unraveling of NATO. Very quickly Spain and Italy would follow. So southern Europe would desert NATO and so would Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic. NATO is the mechanism that Washington uses to cause conflict with Russia. So as the EU and NATO unravel, the ability of Washington to produce this conflict disappears.

The Greek government understands that what is being imposed on Greece is not workable. Since the (implementation of) austerity the Greek economy has declined by 27 percent. That’s a depression.

And they keep hoping that the Germans wake up one day and realize that austerity is not the way you cure debt, and that the Greek government cannot agree to conditions that drive the Greek population into the ground. They (the troika) are talking about (a) genocide (of the Greek population).

The Russians understand that Greece is being plundered by the West and met with the leader of Greece and offered him a deal. They said, ‘We’ll finance you. But not to pay off the German and Dutch banks, the New York hedge funds or the IMF.’”….More Here

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