Prophecy is now reality…US policies against Russia risk WWIII


maxresdefault-32Prophecy is now reality. Gog & Magog are both sallying forth. The world is on pins and needles as America’s imperial hubris puts the world on the brink of a thermonuclear catastrophe.

epicentreBecause America has been what she deemed as “the unrivaled” super power, she is still hellbent upon maintaining this facade ,even at the cost of a thermonuclear exchange. This shows you that those in power are sociopaths.

US policies against Russia risk WWIII

In this day the Holy Qur’an warns those of us who are striving to be upright in this evil and corrupt world….. Say; I seek in the Lord of the dawn; 2. From the evil of that which He (Yakub) has created; 3. And from the evil of intense darkness when it comes; 4. And from the evil of those who cast (evil suggestions) in the form of resolutions; 5. And from the evil of the envier when he envies (Holy Qur’an 113).”-Chp.14(o.s.h.a.)

Why? It’s because this is a time of dread. You can see it for yourself. Everyone is at everyone’s throat. All are being leading down this familiar street called war and desolations.

But through this all, America is the most scared because she knows that prophecy and judgment dictates that God destroys her first. She knows this, hence the wars and the deployments of radars, warplanes, weapons, troops, warships, missile defense, and space weapons.

America is in a perilous condition. Why? Because she will not yield to the acceptance of the truth and the doing of justice to those to whom she can do justice, if she will, (her Black slave).

War is coming. War is here. Believe me, war is actually underway!

Allah (God) is well able to take the kingdom from whom He Pleases and give it to whom He Pleases…this we all know. …”In the Fall of Ancient Babylon Jer. 50:46, “At the noise of the taking of Babylon the earth is moved, and the cry is heard among the nations.” here the Bible teaches us and we see today, at the fall of the old world, there is a great noise of war, the fighting of war, the destruction of nations, towns, and cities and the killing of their citizens. There is disagreement and confusion of the heads of nations.

It is a very dreadful time that the populations of the earth are now living in. This is the time of the destruction of a world. It is not to be compared with the destruction of an organization or a few towns as it was in the days of Noah. The destruction today is the destruction of a whole world.”-Chp.43(tfoa)

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