US military admits it carried out secret race-based experiments to test impact of mustard gas on US soldiers


Note: Time and time again you hear about how wicked America is. Thing is, you think that you can change her. You believe that if you integrate with her, you will be able to change her from the inside.

This is absolutely crazy thinking. The only thing that integrating with America will get you is hell. You should want to separate completely from a nation and a people that has never shown any worthwhile care or love for you. Their own records proves this.

US military admits it carried out secret race-based experiments to test impact of mustard gas on US soldiers


(NEW YORK) The US Department of Defence has for the first time admitted that it carried out race-based tests on American troops as part of its research about mustard gas.

Up to 60,000 men were enlisted for a programme, declassified in 1993, to test mustard gas and other chemicals agents on US troops.

But National Public Radio reported that the Pentagon has for the first time admitted that it grouped its test subjects by race as it believed African American and Puerto Rican US troops might respond to the poisonous gas different to white soldiers.

Rollins Edwards, now aged 93, was among those covertly made use during the War War II tests. He said that he and a dozen others were led into a wooden chamber and the door locked as a mixture of mustard gas and a similar agent called lewisite was piped inside.

“They said we were being tested to see what effect these gases would have on black skins,” Mr Edwards told the broadcaster. “It felt like you were on fire.”….More here

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