America’s European puppets blink 1st as Russia stands tall


640x0 We told you that if they continued following America’s dictate to up the pressure on Russia, Russia would not be able to let it go and would be forced to retaliate. These nations that are in Europe have way more to lose in this fight than Russia or America. Now that Russia let it be known that they would respond in kind, America’s do boys have now pinked out and is starting to do a 180degree turn.

Belgium to unblock Russia’s frozen diplomatic accounts


Belgium says it will unfreeze the bank accounts of Russian diplomatic missions that were recently seized in an apparent legal case after Moscow pledged a firm response to the move.

On Saturday, Henrik Van de Velde, a Belgian Foreign Ministry spokesman, quoted the country’s Foreign Minister Didier Reynders as saying that “a solution has been found to unblock as a priority accounts for the running of the embassies, and the rest will follow.”

Belgian officials reportedly seized the Russian state assets in Belgium in a bid to secure the repayment of a contested Russian debt to the former shareholders of the country’s now defunct Yukos Oil Company.

The order was issued based on a 2014 ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, which requires Moscow to give a total of USD 50 billion in compensation to the former owners of the Russian oil giant after the Kremlin dismantled the firm in 2013 over tax issues and arrested its chief executive, Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

Yukos was then sold off in a series of opaque auctions between 2004 and 2006.

The file photo shows the headquarters of Russia’s now defunct Yukos Oil Company in Moscow.

De Velde, the Belgian official, further said that the accounts held at the ING Bank by the Russian embassy in Brussels as well as Moscow’s diplomatic missions in the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will be released first.

He also said that Reynders had served as an intermediary between the bailiffs acting on the ruling by the arbitration court in The Hague and the Yukos creditors.

The move came after Moscow criticized as “hostile” Belgium’s order to freeze the assets of Russian diplomatic missions and other organizations, with Russian President Vladimir Putin vowing that the country will defend its national interests “by the route of justice.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry said earlier this week that it had summoned “Belgian Ambassador Alex Van Meeuwen on June 18,” adding that the diplomat “was told that Russia considers such action by the Belgian authorities as an openly hostile act.”

France has also frozen the accounts of Russian firms, including those in the French subsidiary of Russia’s second largest bank VTB.

Tim Osborne, the head of Group Menatap, which represents the interests of former Yukos shareholders, had said Britain and the US are also expected to carry out the ruling of the arbitration court in The Hague….More Here

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