US Knows She On Her Way Out: Asia-Pacific Tensions Threaten to Spiral Into War


Note: We must remember that prophecy tells us that America will either leave willingly or be thrown out of Asia. What we see are the signs of what’s to come!

Asia-Pacific Tensions Threaten to Spiral Into War

Growing tensions in the Asia Pacific region, amid which the US is playing the role of a self-appointed “indispensible mediator,” are the result of Washington’s long-standing and well-documented foreign policy, Tony Cartalucci stresses.
Although the increasing tension between Beijing and its neighbors in the Asia Pacific appears to be spontaneous and unstoppable, threatening to drag the region into a conflict or even to enflame a global standoff, it is not what it seems, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher Tony Cartalucci emphasizes.

“The stated goal of US foreign policy, particularly the “Pivot to Asia” is to reestablish American preeminence in the Pacific region, thousands of miles from American shores. There are policy papers drafted from corporate-financier funded think tanks that openly call for the encirclement and isolation of China to thwart its rise as a regional economic and military power,” the researcher underscored.

“This is not because the United States fears Chinese troops storming the beaches of California, but because they fear China challenging and displacing American influence where it shouldn’t be in the first place,” he elaborated.

Citing the 2006 Strategic Studies Institute’s (SSI) report “String of Pearls: Meeting the Challenge of China’s Rising Power across the Asian Littoral,” the researcher highlighted that it openly propagated plans to undermine Beijing’s interests along a “string” of ports, pipelines, and other Chinese installations stretching from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), past Pakistan, India, and Myanmar, “and all the way back to the country’s shores in the South China Sea.”

In light of this strategy, the US-engineered “Arab Spring” of 2011 acquired a new meaning. Mr. Cartalucci stressed that the Islamist movement eventually disrupted Chinese interests in the MENA region. Furthermore, the recent upsurge of conflicts in Myanmar and Pakistan as well as aggravated “island disputes” in the South China Sea can be also regarded as a part of the US’ strategy.

“In virtually every point along the “string” the SSI report covered, we now see concerted violence and political chaos whose source stems from US State Department-funded nongovernmental organizations and movements everywhere from the Middle East, to Baluchistan, Pakistan, to Myanmar, and of course to the governments of Japan and the Philippines, subservient to US interests since the end of the Second World War,” the researcher pointed out.

The 2006 report stated that Washington, through its military strategy, diplomacy and economic policies “has an unprecedented opportunity to shape and influence China’s future direction.” According to the SSI report China should be integrated into the present world order as a “responsible stakeholder.”

In light of this strategy, the US-engineered “Arab Spring” of 2011 acquired a new meaning. Mr. Cartalucci stressed that the Islamist movement eventually disrupted Chinese interests in the MENA region. Furthermore, the recent upsurge of conflicts in Myanmar and Pakistan as well as aggravated “island disputes” in the South China Sea can be also regarded as a part of the US’ strategy.

“In virtually every point along the “string” the SSI report covered, we now see concerted violence and political chaos whose source stems from US State Department-funded nongovernmental organizations and movements everywhere from the Middle East, to Baluchistan, Pakistan, to Myanmar, and of course to the governments of Japan and the Philippines, subservient to US interests since the end of the Second World War,” the researcher pointed out.

The 2006 report stated that Washington, through its military strategy, diplomacy and economic policies “has an unprecedented opportunity to shape and influence China’s future direction.” According to the SSI report China should be integrated into the present world order as a “responsible stakeholder.”
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