With America & War On Her Mind, Russia to Build New Generation Space Surveillance Systems


386939_Russia-spy-satelliteIn this time of disagreement and conflict Russia wants to make sure that they keep their eyes on every move being made by America. Knowing that war between them is a must and is actually underway, Russia is taking no chance.

They are preparing. They are watching. They are readying themselves for what is to come.

Woe, woe to America! Her day is near, and she shall be visited. Your enemies warn you that the third and final World War will be decided in your own country and not in theirs.

So Elijah Muhammad had it right and exact when he told us that….”Russia and America are after each other under their skin. Russia is pretty smart. America is as smart. We like them both smart like that. Russia goes and saddles the space right around the earth to watch America! That is who she is watching. “-pg.54(o.s.h.a.)

Russia to Build New Generation Space Surveillance Systems

According to ministry press release, Russian Defense Ministry will construct more than ten complexes of new-generation space surveillance systems.

KUBINKA (Moscow Region) (Sputnik) – Russian Defense Ministry will construct more than ten complexes of new-generation space surveillance systems, increasing the precision of space observation, the ministry said in a press release Thursday.

This would “considerably increase the information capabilities of Russian space surveillance, expand the range of controlled orbits and reduce the minimum size of space objects detected by 2-3 times,” the press release said.

The construction of the new space surveillance systems is taking place in Moscow, Kaliningrad, Altai and Primorsky regions, according to the ministry.
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/russia/20150618/1023512057.html#ixzz3dYI9Q9iM


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