For the Western Elite it reality sets in…SOROS: The US needs to befriend China or all hell is going to break loose


soros-the-us-needs-to-befriend-china-or-all-hell-is-going-to-break-looseThe tyrant George Soros recognizes that America can no longer wield threats against China, as China is not the China of yesterday that has little ability to defend herself against a US military adventure, & America is not that power she once was being able to go unchallenged in her policies and projection of power.

uschinaclimate-10-150x150Things have changed drastically. Times have change dramatically. And there is now a new reality, a new paradigm if you will, to deal with!

  SOROS: The US needs to befriend China or all hell is going to break loose


The US needs to befriend China or else all hell is going to break loose, argues George Soros in a new article for The New York Review of Books.

“Both the US and China have a vital interest in reaching an understanding because the alternative is so unpalatable. The benefits of an eventual agreement between China and the US could be equally far-reaching,” he writes.

“The US government has little to gain and much to lose by treating the relationship with China as a zero-sum game. In other words, it has little bargaining power,” he continues. “It could, of course, obstruct China’s progress, but that would be very dangerous.”

Soros writes that if Xi Jinping’s market-oriented reforms fail, “he may foster some external conflicts to keep the country united and maintain himself in power” — which could lead to a Sino-Russo military and political alliance (whereas right now they’re mostly just cooperating financially).

“In that case, should the external conflict escalate into a military confrontation with an ally of the United States such as Japan, it is not an exaggeration to say that we would be on the threshold of a third world war,” writes Soros.

Soros adds, however, that he believes it would take at least a decade for a Sino-Russo military alliance that’s ready to take on the US to come together.

“Rivalry between the US and China is inevitable but it needs to be kept within bounds that would preclude the use of military force,” he writes….More Here

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