WWIII ‘very possible’ due to US policies against Russia: Analyst


WWIII ‘very possible’ due to US policies against Russia: Analyst


Washington’s plan to deploy heavy weapons for up to 5,000 soldiers in eastern European countries will definitely escalate tensions with Russia and may even spark the flames of another world war, says a US political analyst.

Stephen Lendman, an author and radio host in Chicago, made the remarks when Press TV asked him for his views on a proposal by US military officials to deploy heavy weaponry in Europe.

“This is a willful provocation along with previous ones, along also with repeated belligerent military exercises, provocative events, provocative things going on to literally try to get Russia, to do something stupid to provoke a confrontation that America could blame on Russia,” Lendman said on Sunday.

He went on to say that as world’s two most nuclear powers, the United States and Russia could end up in a “direct military confrontation” which might lead to World War III.

This will be the first time since the Cold War era that the United States is stationing heavy weapons in NATO countries – Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia – which were once a part of the Soviet Union.

According to the New York Times, the proposed amount of arms is enough to equip a brigade of 3,000 to 5,000 soldiers, which is more or less similar in quantity to what US deployed in Kuwait after the Iraqi invasion against the country in 1990.

Lendman believes that these increasingly belligerent policies that the White House adopts against Russia are in fact deliberate.

“Washington is deliberately provoking Russia by a series of things that it has been doing over many months,” he said.

“The idea that America should continue theses provocations risk the possibility that we literally could have what I call the unthinkable another global war,” he added.

This proposal is part of a much wider plan that the White House designed in 2014 to reassure its European allies in the wake of the Ukrainian conflict.

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