MI6 Recalls Secret Agents From Abroad for Fear of Uncover by Russia, China


MI6 Recalls Secret Agents From Abroad for Fear of Uncover by Russia, China

The British Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, has withdrawn its agents out of live operations in foreign countries as they could allegedly be identified by Russia and China with the help of files stolen by former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden, The Sunday Times reports.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The newspaper claimed on Sunday citing senior British officials that Moscow has gained access to over 1 million classified files that contain details of secret intelligence techniques and information that could be used to identify British and American spies.

A senior Downing Street source told The Sunday Times that “agents have had to be moved and that knowledge of how we operate has stopped us getting vital information,” although there is “no evidence of anyone being harmed” as a result of the reported leak.

However, a senior UK Home Office official told the newspaper that Snowden has “blood on his hands,” as British agents have been targeted after China and Russia allegedly cracked Snowden’s encrypted files….More Here


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