Prophecy tells us that China will repel the US in South China Sea(& Asia proper)


South China Sea dispute to dominate ASEAN forumAmerica is using this issue if the South China Sea to divide Asia to prevent not only China’s rise but also to prevent the unification and independence of this area of the globe. They know that China is the key to this along with Japan.

hqdefault-27This thing is going to explode sooner or later. America is not the power that she once was. China has the advantage now. This will lead to conflict. It cannot be avoided.

    China to repel US in South China Sea

America can’t wing this battle. The time has changed. She(America) cannot hold her position in Asia. It is a mathematical impossibility. Scripture and prophecy demands it.

It will demonstrate the loss of American influence and might. This conflict will not end up as the Western world hopes for it to. No. This will be an utter disaster for America.

Time tells us this…”Many of you may think that if America ends her war in Asia this will bring peace and prosperity to the people of America. Perhaps, someday, there may be a lull in the war, but not now.

If America and Asia can find a way to bring about a cessation of the war between each other this does not mean that peace and prosperity is assured; not at this time.

There is still the cold war in Berlin, between America and Russia and in other parts of Europe, to be reckoned with. Europe will become a dreaded spot when America leaves Asia. It is true, as the prophets have predicted, that America must come out of Asia, or be thrown out.”-pg.231(tfoa)

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