Echoes of “The Cuban Missile Crisis”: US to pullout of Nuke treaties and deploy nuclear arms to Europe against Russia


92074373f72420174ee0310df5b128eaIf and or when this does occur, Russia would be a fool to sit idly by and allow for America to deploy strategic nuclear armed missiles and what not near it’s borders. This would go down as Russia’s most foolish move.

archives-cuban-missile-crisis-5b190ed81b95b189Remember the so-called Cuban missile crisis when Kennedy confront Nikita Krushef  over the Soviet deployment of nuclear armed missiles in Cuban some 90 to 100 miles away from Florida?

This brought the world to the brink of thermonuclear war. An agreement had to hammered out with verification in order to avert a nuclear catastrophe.

CubanMissileRangeNow look at America. She is no longer concerned about nuclear security. Why? Because the shoe is on the other nation’s foot.

She disregards the national interests and national security of others in her blind effort for total global supremacy over her rivals. This is an insane policy implemented by insane politicians and enforced by an insane military leadership that is feeling it’s oats and in drunk on what America used to be and not realizing that she is only a shell of what she used to be today!

rtx132w2 (1)Now with these things going on, tell me what do you see! I know that I see war, war, and more war. I see the coming face off the between Russia and America over these things. It will not end pretty! Mark my words on this!!!

Moscow ‘closely looks’ into reported US plans to return medium-range missiles to Europe


Decommissioned BGM-109G Gryphon Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL) showing 4 missile launch tubes (Photo from

The Pentagon is considering scrapping a Cold War-era treaty and deploying nuclear-capable intermediate-range cruise missiles in Europe over Moscow’s alleged treaty violations, AP reported. The Kremlin says it is looking closely into the report.

The US administration is mulling deploying medium-range missiles in Europe and Asia that would be potentially capable of destroying military targets within Russian territory, the Associated Press reports. The news agency is citing an unclassified portion of a report written by the office of General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The report names four potential weapons that “could assist in closing … a capability gap” in case the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, which prohibits the possession of 500-5,500 kilometer medium range missiles by the US and Russia, is scrapped.

Such measures could imply the deployment of ground-launched cruise missiles systems in Europe or Asia, as well as the deployment of ground-launched intermediate-range ballistic missiles equipped with warheads with adjustable trajectory.

Moscow will carefully analyze media reports about the Pentagon’s possible missile deployments in Europe before gauging the news, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists.

The news recalls to memory the worst pages of the Cold War, when in the 1980s the US deployed Pershing-2 ballistic missiles to Europe and the Soviet Union countered by deploying SS-20 Pioneer ballistic missiles, AP reports.

The Obama administration has been accusing Moscow of violating the INF treaty, alleging that a newly developed cruise missile violates the INF treaty…More Here

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