US Asia naval deployments will be met by a strong Chinese hand


hqdefault-24 She is bucking up against a power that will not back down today. China is readying for this conflict. They have been quietly preparing for this event for decades.

Do not think that their will shrink in the glare or abdicate their responsibilities. They’ve been waiting in the wings for this opportunity to push the anglo American empire completely out of Asia.

article-2084371-0F64A5A900000578-624_468x309Messenger Elijah Muhammad teaches us that this yellow man is no coward. He likes to fight just as much as this white devil, but he is only braver because he still retains some semblance of black blood in his veins.

9bab388c-b39f-46af-b1c5-5e06c0bd10fb Now if America continues her arrogant show of force and disregard for the national interests and national security of others, which she will, conflict and confrontation is a must and America will wind up being on the receiving end!

Muhammad has it absolutely right when describing America’s actions against other nations….” The ships of America can be seen everywhere…in every port of the nations of earth. Her great navy is built to command the high seas.

Her decks are mounted with great bristling rifle-barreled guns. The decks of her ships are covered with planes with which to carry deadly bomb-shells to pour on other nations who dare now to reject her entrance into their waters.

The writer, (John), foresaw America threatening and daring the nations to disobey her order to allow her entrance. America’s navy planes fly high in the air with their deadly bombs held ready to drop on the towns and cities of other nations who dare to attack her.”-pg.124(tfo)

US planning to deploy advanced weapons near China: Carter


US Defense Secretary Ash Carter has unveiled the Pentagon’s plans to deploy advanced weapons, including the newest stealth destroyer, near the borders of China.

During his visit to Singapore on Sunday, Carter named new weapons systems the United States plans to move to Asia as “part of its longer-term rebalance of military assets to the region,” The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday.

Among the weapons is the military’s newest stealth destroyer, the Zumwalt.

The 610-foot-long Zumwalt is named after the late Admiral Elmo “Bud” Zumwalt Jr. It will have nearly 10 times more available power than its predecessors.

The vessel could become the first ship carrying next-generation weapons like electromagnetic railguns, which use a strong electromagnetic pulse, rather than gunpowder, to shoot projectiles.

Washington is stepping up its pressure on China after Beijing decided to build artificial islands in the South China Sea.

China has warned that coming too close to the islands would be provocative.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying expressed concern over US plans to bolster its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region….More Here

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