Putin: ISIL rise provoked by outside interference(I.E…America ,Israel, Arabia, Turkey, & NATO)


CGAj-14WEAEjqa9.jpg-largeHe is not lying. America and her colonial forces called NATO, has thrown the world in absolute chaos. We must remember that this is how the devil works.

We know to whom President Putin is referring to. We know that he is speaking of none other than wicked America and her lackies.

This is just baring witness to the Bible’s description of America & her European allies as being the mischief makers & blood shedders that are hell bent upon war & conquest no matter the cost.

Putin: ISIL rise provoked by outside interference


isis-putin-brics-un.siISIS rise provoked by outside interference into Middle East, North Africa – Putin

There was previously no terrorism in countries where Islamic State militants “now prosper” until outside forces “not sanctioned by the UNSC” interfered, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, stressing the “serious consequences” that followed.

“We know what is happening, for example, in the Middle East, in North Africa; we know the problems associated with a terrorist organization, which has appropriated the right to be called the ‘Islamic State” (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL),” Putin said during a meeting with security officials from the BRICS block in Moscow.

“But there was no terrorism in the countries where it [IS] flourishes today before an unacceptable interference from the outside happened, not sanctioned by the Security Council of the united Nations,” he stressed.

Russia’s president describe the consequences of such interference as “serious,” with the Islamic State currently controlling territory in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Nigeria.

“Correcting everything that’s been happening in the international arena in previous years is essential,” he said.

According to Putin, tackling organized crime, terrorism, and financial crime are important issues on the agenda of the BRICS block and the international community as a whole.

The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are “facing increasing threats due to the violations of the international law, the violations of sovereignty of various states,” he added….more here

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