Imperial Hypocrisy & what America doesn’t want you to know about the S.China Sea Dispute – 1947 (US)Rand McNally map lists some S China Sea islands as Chinese


This means that America knows the truth and is only trying to stoke tensions for selfish gain to keep Asian brothers divided in an effort to maintain power and clout and dominant control in the Asia Pacific area! She is even risking war over this insane policy~

1947 Rand McNally map lists some S China Sea islands as Chinese


“China” is shown underneath the Paracel Islands in parenthesis on the map made by Rand McNally in 1947. (Internet photo)

A 1947 map by American map publisher Rand McNally in 1947 gave China ownership over many islands in the South China Sea, the state-run China News Service reported Sunday.

CNS cited a report in Hong Kong’s Ming Pao the same day as saying that a Collier’s World Atlas and Gazetteer published in 1947 was recently spotted at a secondhand store in Vancouver.

In the collection, a map drawn by Rand McNally and titled Popular Map of China, French Indochina, Siam and Korea, contains detailed descriptions of the South China Sea islands and says that China owns some of the islands. The Paracels are specifically labeled as Chinese territory, according to the Ming Pao report.

The World Atlas and Gazetteer was published two years after World War II, when the US was desperate for Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalists to prevail in their civil war against Mao Zedong’s Communists.

The book also contains a Rand McNally-drawn map of the Philippines and Spratly Islands. Although the Philippines have maintained close relations with the United States, none of six names the map producer used to identify the archipelago are Philippine terms, the report said.

The report also said that China’s sovereignty claim over the South China Sea islands can be traced to before the Industrial Revolution.

Thitu island in the Spratlys, currently occupied by the Philippines which calls it Pag-asa, is labeled as Thi Tu Island on the old map. In the center of Thi Tu, there is a temple built by Chinese people in the Qing Dynasty, the report said. China refers to the islands as Zhongye island.

Citing John Price, a history professor at the University of Victoria, the report said that as the Cold War began US negotiators adopted an “avoidance strategy” during talks on the sovereignty of the South China Sea islands to avoid recognizing the new Communist regime in Beijing.

However, when it wanted to use Okinawa and other Pacific islands as military strongholds, the United States became strict and had clear-cut opinions in terms of sovereignty issues, according to Price, who said that the impact of injustice created by the US in those years is still being felt today.

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