US sees war as only option to keep global domination: Journalist


US sees war as only option to keep global domination: Journalist


Don DeBar: “It appears that the US recognizes it is in decline as an economic power around the world, and with the rise of the Global South and the BRICS countries, sees perhaps war as the only salvation for its dominant position.”


With the rise of the Global South and BRICS countries, it seems the United States sees war as the only option in order to keep its global domination, an American journalist and political commentator says.

Don DeBar, an anti-war activist and radio host in New York, made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Wednesday when asked to give his opinion on what the Pentagon called a recent encounter between an American warship and a Chinese military vessel in the South China Sea.

The revelation came just days after the Pentagon announced its decision to monitor the Asia-Pacific region.

“It gets me to seethe the United States objecting to China doing anything in the South China Sea,” Don DeBar said. “When you consider the United States’ presence in the South China Sea, [it] is literally a projection of the US naval power half way across the world.”

“China has every right to develop both itself and its environment, at least as much right as the United States has,” he said.

DeBar pointed to Washington’s historic annexation and seizure of lands including Hawaii which “it just stole by military force and annexed into the United States.”

“China is actually creating something that doesn’t exist as of yet, and there are no people being conquered or displaced, which is the American model for projection of power into the Pacific,” he said…..More Here

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