The pot is starting to boil over in the Asia Pacific


john-kerry-is-about-to-talk-very-tough-in-beijing-over-the-south-china-sea The pot is starting to boil over in the Asia Pacific. America is desperate trying to forge an alliance with other nations to exclude China and prevent her rise. She is making every effort to try to stoke division and suspicion between Asian neighbors.

She knows that this is the only way that she can rule. It will not work the way she has planned ,because time is against her. Long before she ever made the plans to try these things, her doom was already in sight.

asia-trip…”Today, we live at the end of the world of people who have ruled the black man and his various colors between black and white for the last 6,000 years. The world of disbelievers and hypocrites know these are the days and the end of the rule of the white man.”-pg.266(m.t.t.b.m.)

This is why the Western block of NATO, specifically & especially America, continues their provocations and wars of conquest and aggression. They are putting everything on the line to try to maintain their world order. They are even willing to go nuclear.

WO-AU355_OBAASI_J_20141107175138No matter where you go you can see it. America is in every one’s business causing division and dissatisfaction…

Since 1492, the people of the white race have been allowed to spread over the face of the earth (to have the freedom of deceiving all that they could). To learn more about them, let us read and study their history. Read in the Bible the Revelation of John, under the title of “The Beast and the Dragon.”

1020264619Their history shows trouble-making, murder and death to all darker people from the far-off islands and mainlands of Asia as well as the South Seas and the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. All have been touched by their destructive hand and evil way of civilization and finally the bringing of my people to make their destruction sure.”-pg.267(m.t.t.b.m.)

Is this not what she is now trying to do with China and her Asian Brothers? She is trying to divide them in order to justify her own presence and prevent any opposition to her rule.

Plotting Against Beijing? US Holds Asian Military Summit, Excludes China

As the United States struggles to maintain influence in the South China Sea, it has pushed Pacific nations to assert themselves against Beijing. In that effort, Washington organized a gathering of military leaders from over 20 countries, specifically excluding China.

A first-of-its kind event, the United States hosted the PACOM Amphibious Leaders Symposium in Hawaii for Pacific nation commanders to discuss amphibious military capabilities. In attendance are representatives from Japan, Australia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, and many others.

During the event, military leaders were flown aboard the USS Essex and given a demonstration of the US Marines amphibious assault capabilities.

“I don’t think China can match the complexity,” said Martin Sebastian, head of the Maritime Institute of Malaysia, according to Reuters.
That was likely the impression Washington was hoping to give. For the last few months, the United States has been trying to instill confidence in Pacific allies as tensions over the South China Sea continue to rise.

A major trade route, most of the sea is claimed by Beijing, but there are overlapping claims by a number of nations, and China’s construction of artificial islands in the Spratly Archipelago has been interpreted by Washington as a provocation.

As such, China was not invited to the symposium. A US spokesman insists that Beijing’s absence is due to a legal technicality prohibiting military-to-military exchanges between the two nations, but China did take part in joint naval exercises last year.

The Chinese military was limited to search and rescue operations during these exercises, but even that small amount of participation suggests a deliberate snub at this year’s symposium.

The drill involved Ospreys, Harrier jump jet aircraft, armored vehicles, B-52 bombers, and hovercraft, all demonstrating the single objective of taking out a fictitious insurgent training camp.

US officials have said that that encouraging Asia-Pacific nations to coordinate their defensive capabilities is a crucial goal of Washington’s military strategy in the region, where 80,000 US troops are already stationed…..More Here


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