You’re heading for trouble if you follow Arab East for guidance – Arab diplomats secretly meet Israeli officials in Jordan


3905682496As you look at the secret meetings that take place with those who are at war with Islam and those in power in  muslim nations who are actually enemies of Islam, do not lose sight of this …”The ultimate aim of this world should be known to everyone, especially the righteous. We classify the righteous as being the people who belong to the right God, the God of righteousness, truth, freedom, justice and equality of the nation of righteousness.

Today, the so-called American Negroes must be resurrected and made to know and understand the fate of anyone who will follow or be deceived by the arch-deceivers.

F100915KG04-e1398967828274-635x357The strongest and most powerful weapon the arch-deceivers have at their disposal is to deceive the world of righteousness (the Nation of Islam). They do not stop at the common, ignorant Muslims, but reach also for the scholars and scientists of Islam, who should be aware of their trickery and deceit.

We are in a world that is passing out of existence — and she is putting up a fight (war) to destroy the nation of righteousness. Be aware! To try to oppose the success of Allah’s truth only hastens the doom of falsehood and its teachers.”-pg.189(tfoa)

Arab diplomats secretly meet Israeli officials in Jordan: Report


Jordan is one of two Arab countries having open relations with Israel. Above, US Secretary of State John Kerry (L) meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) and Jordan’s King Abdullah in Amman, Jordan, November 13, 2014.
Diplomats from certain Arab counties that do not have open diplomatic relations with the Tel Aviv regime have had a secret meeting with Israeli officials in Jordan, a report says.

The report, published on Tuesday by the Arabic website of Israeli radio station Voice of Israel, did not specify the nationalities of the Arab diplomats who are said to have been present at the meeting, Arabic-language Ma’an news agency reported.

During the purported meeting, the Arab representatives expressed their relevant states’ interest in cooperating with Israel over “security” matters in the Middle East.

The report added that delegates from the European Union (EU) as well as the United States were also in attendance of the secret meeting.

Moreover, several Arab diplomats said countries in the Middle East should be preparing for a “new reality” in the region.

Egypt and Jordan are the only Arab countries that have relations with Israel.

On April 15, 2014, then Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Tel Aviv is holding secret talks with some Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, in an effort to create diplomatic relations to unite against Iran.

“There are contacts, there are talks, but we are very close to the stage in which within a year or 18 months it will no longer be secret, it will be conducted openly,” Lieberman said, Hebrew-language Yedioth Ahronoth reported.

The newspaper also quoted the Israeli minister as saying that some new “peace” accords between Israel and Arab states would be signed in 2019.

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, however, vehemently denied the existence of any such talks with Tel Aviv.


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