The Racist Enforcers Of Empire


a-tale-of-two-hoodies They’re acting like this police racism and brutality against black America is some new found occurrence, when this is not the exception to the rule, but has been the rule all the while. This is why the “police forces” in America were first started…to police the slaves and ex-slaves to keep oppressed and in check.

Neo Nazi RallyThey have a constitutional mandate to bring the weight and power of the state down on those whom they have never recognized as human or citizens. This is what they have down. And this is what they continue to do and we must face these facts whether we like them or not!

 White supremacists infiltrate (have always run) US police departments: Researcher


White supremacists have infiltrated the law enforcement departments across the US and they have killed thousands of people, Dr. Randy Short says. (Getty Images)
Federal data shows that white supremacists and “terrorists” have infiltrated law enforcement departments across the United States and have killed thousands of people, according to a researcher and historian in Washington.

“We have a racial and human rights crisis in this country,” said Dr. Randy Short, a member of the Black Autonomy Network Community Organization.

“The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has stated that white terrorists, supremacists, racists, Nazis, clansmen have infiltrated the law enforcement departments across the country and they have killed people in the thousands in the last ten years,” Dr. Short told Press TV on Tuesday.

Many police recruits are military veterans that have previously murdered people during the US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries, he added.


Protesters demonstrate outside the Ferguson Police Department on March 11, 2015 in Ferguson, MO. (AFP photo)
US President Barack Obama plans to prohibit federal agencies from providing military-style weapons to police departments across the country, following unrest in US cities over the deaths of black men at the hands of mostly white police officers.

The White House said on Monday that the federal government will no longer fund or provide tracked armored vehicles, weaponized aircraft or vehicles, firearms or ammunition of .50-caliber or higher, grenade launchers, bayonets or camouflage uniforms.

The ban is part of Obama’s efforts to ease tensions between law enforcement departments and minority communities in reaction to the protests over police violence across the US.

He is taking the action after a task force he created in January decided that police departments should be barred from using federal funds to acquire military-style equipment.

The militarization of police and use of heavy-handed tactics against protesters, especially in communities of color like Ferguson and Baltimore, have become a major concern for many in the United States…..More Here

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