China slaps down recent US threats of using force in the S.China Sea, with their own threats of force


a879f76c-49a0-4d7f-ad92-e9c5a8ad4805The rise is on. No longer do the nations fear her threats. China especially, has built up her military might just as well as her economic might. She did this knowing that if they didn’t they would be forced to bow to Western dictates under the threat of sanctions or force.

t_lam_spratly_500x279Just as America openly threatened China over the South China Seas, China openly responded, but not in the usual vague manner. They openly told America that if you bring forces, we too will bring forces and we are prepared to go all the way over our interests and territorial integrity.

China`s defence of sovereignty “unshakeable”

This is something what never imagined years ago. But oh’ how times have changed. All of the economic levers lie China’s hands. Because this dispute takes place in Asia in the South China Seas, we call also say that China enjoys the advantage because this is China’s home while US forces would have to come from thousands of miles abroad.

China says resolved to protect sovereignty


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi speaks during a joint press conference following meetings with US Secretary of State John Kerry at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing on May 16, 2015. ©AFP

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi has told his visiting US counterpart John Kerry that Beijing’s resolve to protect its sovereignty is “unshakeable,” amid new tensions between the rival powers.

“The determination of the Chinese side to safeguard our own sovereignty and territorial integrity is as firm as a rock and it is unshakeable,” Wang said during a joint press conference with the US Secretary of State on Saturday following their talks in the Chinese capital as feud between Washington and Beijing is on the rise over island-building in the disputed South China Sea.

“It is the request of our people on our government as well as a legitimate right of ours,” Wang further insisted.

China reportedly considers nearly the entire South China Sea as its own and also argues that Washington is not a party in the South China Sea disputes, which are between China and other regional claimants and should be handled by those directly involved.

Kerry also said Washington was “concerned about the pace and scope of China’s land reclamation.” He also urged Beijing “to take actions that will join with everyone to reduce tensions.”

However, senior officials of the US State Department stated before the meeting in Beijing that Kerry would take a tough line and “leave his Chinese interlocutors in absolutely no doubt that the United States remains committed to maintain freedom of navigation.”….More Here

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