US police protect state against colonized blacks


20141206_usp504You can never hope for justice from this people. How can you when the very system what predicated on the exploitation & killing of you and also depriving you of justice. Those in positions of authority take an oath to protect and defend their constitution ,which in itself is a document of oppression against you!images-153

US police protect state against colonized blacks: Analyst

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Press TV has conducted an interview with Gaida Kambon, with the African Peoples Socialist Party from Florida, to ask for her view on the police brutality against African-Americans in the United States.

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Demonstrations against police brutality and racial injustice are continuing across the US. This time mothers of African Americans killed by the police organized the demonstration. In which way the situation is heading?

Kambon: Well, I think that we expect that there would be more police killing, that there would be more young African men murdered in the streets in the United States, because Africans exist as the colonized people in this country. And the police is the first arm of the state; it is there to protect the state and it cannot stop killing Africans because, as I said, Africans are oppressed in this country and always in a constant state of resisting that oppression.

So we expect that is not just a single situation happening in anywhere, what is Ferguson or New York with everything case of Eric Gardner have been. All across the country is going to see African men being killed by the police. And it is not a question of whether or not the body cameras or whether sensitivity training, none of that will work. The only thing that will be effective is when African people take…control over the all lives and become their own state where we can begin to push back the oppressive state of the United States’ government.

Press TV: With pressure by the people rising by the day, how soon do you think we can see an overhaul of the police culture?

Kambon: They are trying right now to say that the overhaul is the solution that came up with as you have seen, body cameras and sensitivity trainings, things like that the police review board to review after they kill an African to review how and why they kill Africans. But again, like I have said before, none of that is working and none of this will work. This is not just this thing just not get started. It used to be maybe a couple of months ago every 28 hours that a young African man was killed in this country by white police.

Now it is any 18 hours as I am told. So, I mean, it is escalating. So, I do not think that police department can do any better. I have just stated that I do not think that is a question of whether the police are going to be reformed or whatever. It is the police, it is there to protect state, to protect the state against who? The oppressed entity and oppressed colonized people, which are Africans, Mexicans and people like that who, are oppressed in this country.


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