The empire lies in tatters – Acquittal of US white police officer for killing black teen sparks protests


54031She is being exposed. In her exposure the world is getting a look at the wicked and hypocritical inner workings of America. They now see that her hypocritical unhinged bloodlust foreign policy stems from her hypocritical,wicked, bloodlust domestic policy against her ex-slaves.

BN-FT037_1125fe_H_20141125231712As the empire erodes further, desperation sets in on the people. Those who ruled or benefitted from the system become more violent and brutal as those who were the workhorses and hosts of this bloodsucking society rise up to be respected and protected.

This is what America has come to. The empire lies in tatters. Her global image is in shambles.

Demonstrators call for justice for the 34 mineworkers killed by police at MarikanaAmerica has mistreated the Black man for four hundred years and she does not think that there is ever a God Who will accept her Black slave and return on her head the injustice done to her Black slave.

now she is seeing that God is present and it is He who is causing these events which are destroying her standing….collapsing her economy….removing the myth of her humanitarianism & ethics. She has been run from that deceptive cover of crusader for human rights and equality and is now seen for who she is and what she is….a brutal beast that has an insatiable bloodlust, especially against Black America!

  Acquittal of US white police officer for killing black teen sparks protests


Hundreds of Americans in the state of Wisconsin have taken to the streets to protest the acquittal of a white police officer who shot dead an unarmed black teenager.

Officer Matt Kenny won’t be charged for killing 19-year-old Tony Robinson in March, Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne said on Tuesday.

The decision angered people in the city of Madison.

The protesters held signs that read “Black Lives Matter,” and “Justice for Tony.”

“I conclude that this tragic and unfortunate death was the result of the lawful use of deadly force, and that no charges will be brought against Officer Kenny in the death of Tony Robinson Jr.,” Ozanne said.

“My decision will not bring Tony Robinson Junior back. My decision will not end the racial disparities that exist in the justice system, in our justice system,” he added.

The black teenager was shot seven times after the police officer responded to a call claiming Robinson was acting disorderly and violent….More Here

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