The nations have been stirred & they’re all gunning for America!


zexWe all can see it in motion. We all know deep within ourselves that it’s coming. And we all know that it is now completely unavoidable.

Allah has stirred up the nations against America. They are eyeing America with a vehement hatred and dislike for her society. To put it bluntly…They want her gone!

“And the Bible warns America of what happened before her. Ancient Babylon enjoyed a fulfilling position at her time. But King Darius came against her at the time of her full enjoyment of wealth, drunkenness and her laughing at the slaves that she had made of Israel. King Darius came with his army and overcame the sleeping guards who were sleeping on the security of their life.

zex2The Bible prophesies that the enemy will say, “Come, let us go up and destroy her whose city is not fenced in.” And they will come from afar. They may come at noon-day, or they may come at rising in the morning, or in the afternoon. But, nevertheless they will come at a time that you thought not.

After the war — “and unto the end of the war, desolations are determined….and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” (Bible Dan. 9:26-27) I want you to know that, that which will be poured means: it is the deprivation of you, America, of your ever getting back into power again to attack the nations of the earth.”-Chp.49(tfoa)

Moscow, Beijing Build Up Ties in Face of US, NATO Expansion – Russian MP

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping signed on Friday a decree on cooperation in tying the development of the Eurasian Economic Union with China’s Silk Road economic project.

Alexei Pushkov, who chairs the State Duma’s international affairs committee, views the fledgling alliance between Russia and China as a response to the US’ and NATO’s ongoing expansion.

“The United States and NATO have spent the past two decades redrawing the world to suit their interests. The alternative alliance between Russia and China comes as a response to the western alliance’s expansion,” Pushkov wrote on his Twitter account.

Russia and the People’s Republic of China inked a raft of trade and other economic cooperation accords, including on the sale of Russian natural gas to China, during President Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow.

Summing up the results of his meeting with the Chinese leader, President Vladimir Putin said bilateral cooperation as part of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Silk Road project could eventually create a common economic space in Eurasia.

“The integration of the Eurasian Economic Union and Silk Road projects means reaching a new level of partnership and implies a common economic space on the continent,” Putin said.

The Eurasian Economic Union of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia, which took effect on January 1, 2015, is meant to ensure the free movement of goods, services, capital and workforce on its territory.

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