This just goes to show you just how detached from reality America’s leaders are.


d140089a-8984-4476-835a-6e7627e3d89dThis just goes to show you just how detached from reality America’s leaders are. They are openly confronting their banker. They are openly challenging the nation that, if they decided to announce gold or silver backing to their currency, collapse the main pillar of American might and domination, which is the US dollar, over night.

They have been struck be derision. There is no sounded in their leaders or the policies of their leaders. It seems as though they are not even bothering themselves with reality, they are living in make-believe.

MI-CH870_YUANju_J_20150217173148Yes the super power that was unchallenged, has gone insane. They didn’t think that this day of their fall would arrive. They had become drunken over the high of having the world’s reserve currency, which in turn gave them economic and military superiority.

0-40Now they must face the music. This is no longer the case. While she was sleeping, reality crept in and slapped her in the face!

US economic pressure to make China go own way: Analyst


US economic pressure on China will just make Beijing decide its own economic path, a political analyst says.

“China will go its own way. They are committed to follow socialism with Chinese characteristics,” Kim Petersen, co-editor of Dissident Voice said in a phone interview with Press TV on Saturday.

“They hold party congresses every year to plan and develop their economy more and more,” he added.

Peterson was giving his analysis on US President Barack Obama’s recent statement that Washington will keep pressure on China over its currency.

Obama stated on Friday that it is the US which must write the rules for global commerce as it has economic power, not China, because otherwise Chinese companies and their employees will have the edge over their American competitors.

Peterson said, “The fact that President Obama said that the US can keep going after China is something that beggars the imagination since China holds 2 trillion dollars of US Treasury bills, and they are the de facto banker of the US.”

China was the biggest holder of US debt since 2008, but in April, Beijing was surpassed by Japan as the biggest foreign holder of US debt, according o the US Treasury Department.

In other words, Washington now owes more money to Japan than China…..More Here

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