Israel seeking to trigger US war with Russia, Iran: Analyst


Israel seeking to trigger US war with Russia, Iran: Analyst

Israel is working to create a military confrontation between the United States and Russia by worsening tensions, says an analyst.

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Israel is working to create a military confrontation between the United States and Russia by worsening tensions and pressuring Washington to attack Iran, a US activist and commentator in Idaho says.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, has “worked for decades” to exacerbate existing problems between Washington and Moscow by provoking the US to enter into a war with Iran and getting Russia involved in a wider conflict, said Mark Glenn.

“We have a situation that is absolutely prime for Netanyahu to take advantage of in order to put pressure on the American administration vis-à-vis war with Iran,” Glenn told Press TV on Saturday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin used an address on Saturday commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany to accuse the United States of attempting to dominate the world.

“We have seen attempts to create a unipolar world, we see gaining momentum as a force of bloc thinking,” Putin told foreign leaders, war veterans, and thousands of soldiers assembled on Moscow’s Red Square ahead of a major military parade.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has repeatedly criticized the US for attempts at building a unipolar world.

“The real problem here [and] in most cases right now is Israel,” said Glen, a writer and co-founder of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement, an interfaith forum dedicated to uniting Muslims and Christians against Zionists.

Ties between Washington and Moscow have reached an all-time low over the crisis in Ukraine, which began after pro-Western forces ousted the country’s president, Viktor Yanukovych, in February 2014.

Washington accuses Moscow of providing heavy weaponry and training pro-Russian fighters and of deploying air defense systems in eastern Ukraine.

Russia has denounced the accusations as “baseless” and says Washington is responsible for the crisis by sending arms in support of the Ukrainian army.

The US and Europe have imposed several rounds of sanctions on Moscow, including visa bans and asset freezes.

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