(Vids In.)That “Tube-like plane”(Mother plane) has been spotted over Mexican volcano


ufom The Mother plane is being spotted more often now. I believe that it may be just about ready to go into action. The scouting planes are being reported all across the globe.

What we do know is that this world has entered the point of no return. It has come to the crossroads of change and nothing can avert this day. It is clear that it has arrived!

In describing what the newspapers are saying I refer you to this quote first….”Allah (God) Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, taught me that this Plane is capable of reaching a height of forty miles above the earth. His words could have been a sign meaning forty years, in which the Plane would go into action and not referring actually to forty miles. Allah (God) does not speak one word that does not have meaning. Every word that He speaks has meaning.

The Mother Plane, according to what has been described of it by the devil scientists, is capable of not only staying up for long periods of time; but it is also capable of eluding the scientists. They want to attack and destroy it; but if a plane did get close enough to attempt to carry out this purpose, it would be destroyed instead. The white man has learned that this is not a place to be played with. Planes come out of the Mother Plane.

In the 1930’s Canadian newspapers reported that they saw the wheel (Mother Plane). It came down out of the sky. They admitted that it looked like a great city, and that something came down from it; it appeared to be a tube, but the tube-like thing went back up again.”-Chp.58(tfoa)

Now let us look at the reports on the description of the latest UFO sightings.

‘Cigar-shaped’ UFO spotted hovering over erupting Mexican volcano

UFO researchers who claimed to have found photos of a nuclear mushroom cloud on Mars have released a video claiming to be a “cigar-shaped” UFO hovering over a Mexican volcano.



An earlier ‘cigar-shaped’ UFO over the same volcano spotted by alien hunter Scott waring
YouTube channel UFOvni Disclosure says the large thin object was snapped high above the Mexican volcano Popocatepetl, on Saturday.

The still image of the strange UFO appears to have three bright lights around it.

The video also shows video footage of a similar-shaped object flying past the volcano in February 2013.

Last month, when the Calbuco volcano erupted in Chile on April 22, footage emerged on YouTube of a strange UFO made up of what looked like two connected spherical lights.

However, this was quickly dismissed by sceptics as being a drone filming the eruption.

Yet, there have been several reported “cigar-shaped UFO” sightings in the past six months over North America and Mexico, according to alien-hunter websites.



In February, American UFO hunter Scott Waring posted images of “a cigar-shaped UFO” he says he captured on archived footage of the live feed of the Popocatepetl volcano.

The online Mutual UFO Network witness reporting database has six ‘cigar-shaped’ reports since last October, including two separate ones in Georgia, one sighting of three UFOs at Omaha, Nebraska, plus others at Charleston, West Virginia, and between Austin and Dallas in Texas, all in the USA, and in, Ontario, Canada.

Last October, UFO spotters posted footage of what they described as two cigar-shaped UFOs on the NASA live feed of the International Space Station.

And in Janaury solar UFO-ologist Myunhauzen74 posted on YouTube moving footage of “a giant rod-shaped UFO flying in “near the sun” allegedly taken from NASA’s helioviewer camera.

Even Glasgow, Scotland, has been affected with Kick Ass writer Mark Miller reporting “a vast speeding cigar-shaped object” at 1am on New Year’s Day.

Sceptics dismiss the sightings as photographic and video anomalies or other objects like drones.

Source: www.express.co.uk

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