The Great Divide: America is being torn to pieces politically


xupload143066268266629_thumb.jpg.pagespeed.ic.CmkKwy5ssgyU3aq1oiCnWhat is misunderstood or misrepresented purposely by the media is that fact Allah in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, is bringing about His aims and desires to expose to the American so-called negro his open enemy & force a complete separation separation between the two.

This has been ordained and these things must now come about regardless to all opposition against it….”The scripture is being fulfilled wherein it prophesies that in these days (meaning the end of the wicked world of Satan), rulers are against rulers — kings against kings. In the days of the prophets, there were no heads of government who were given the name president. Rulers were referred to as rulers and as kings of the people.

150503144744-04-baltimore-0503-super-169The prediction of the prophets, who wrote our future before we lived is now coming to pass. The slaves (or a foolish people, as they are referred to by Moses) are vexing the slave master. Today, as these prophecies are now being fulfilled, we are not surprised at the truth God gave to us through the mouths of His prophets coming to pass, as it was prophesied.

The master must give up his slave and the slave must give up his master, regardless of his desire to remain with his master. It is the purpose of God, Himself to separate the two so that He can give the slave justice and equal chance for survival, as the slave master has been exercising power over the slave.

America is being torn to pieces politically as Pharaoh’s political party was in the days when Jehovah went after the freedom in Israel.

Boehner: US police-blacks relation becomes ‘national crisis’

US House Speaker John Boehner has called the deteriorating relationship between African-Americans and police in the United States a national crisis.

The comments by the Ohio Republican on NBC’s Meet the Press came on Sunday in the aftermath of nationwide protests over the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray in police custody.

Gray died of severe spinal injuries on April 19, a week after he was arrested and detained by Baltimore police.

“I think that if you look at what’s happened over the course of the last year, you just got to scratch your head,” Boehner said.

On Friday, six Baltimore police officers who were involved in Gray’s arrest were charged in connection with his death.

Baltimore’s chief prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby, told reporters that her office’s investigation determined that Gray’s death was a homicide, adding that his arrest was illegal and his treatment in custody amounted to murder and manslaughter.


People protesting the death of Freddie Gray and demanding police accountability move into the streets in the Sandtown neighborhood where Gray was arrested on April 30, 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland. (AFP photo)
Prosecutors charged the officers, including a lieutenant and a sergeant, with multiple counts including second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of the African-American man.

Boehner called the charges against the police officers both “outrageous” and “unacceptable,” if proven true.

The tragic incident, which was captured by an eyewitness on his cellphone, shows an injured Gray being dragged into a van by police officers.

The killing was just one of a succession of fatal police brutalities in recent months.

Large-scale protests were held across the US after a series of high-profile incidents of white police officers killing unarmed African-American men, including Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri; Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio; Eric Garner in Staten Island, New York and Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina.

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