All of this grief you and I must suffer – Baltimore clashes: Cops pepper-spray protester in face at point blank range


blou So many pains must we suffer from our oppressors. Allah has let this devil loose on the Black man and woman of America to force you to see these people as they really are. He is forcing you to recognize them as your oppressors and open enemies.

They are not your hidden enemies anymore. They are showing you openly just how much of an American citizen you are. They are showing you openly just how equal you are under their laws.

They are showing you that they will never accept you as their equals. They are showing you that you have always been, and still is hated by them. And all of this eye opening truth comes to courtesy of them under the guise of your first black President!

Baltimore clashes: Cops pepper-spray protester in face at point blank range

I must say …”What a sorry spectacle we make before God and the nations of the world! Here we are, upwards of twenty million Black Americans who have given their blood, sweat, and service for four hundred years in the vain hope that one day justice would be ours.

When the bugle call of war sounded, the Black soldier stood erect. The plains of Europe, Asia, Africa and America have been fertilized by his blood. Yet the government of the nation, for which he fought and in whose cause he died, allows his sons to he lynched and then adds salt to the wound by concealing the identity of the lynchers.

More, the government seeks out the lynchers and then turns them over to their fellowmen who share the lynchers’ cause and motives. Our daughters and wives are lynched before our eyes. The government will not put a stop to it. They will allow the lynchers to lynch you and me if we are charged with an attempt to rape one of them.

The lynchers live right next door, down the street, up the alley. Yet, they are not brought to justice. All of this grief you and I must suffer.

All these burdens, we must bear. It is beyond comprehension that the American government, mistress of the seas, lord of the air, conqueror of outer space, squire of the land and prowler of the deep bottoms of the oceans, is unable to defend us from assault, rape and murder on the streets of these concrete jungles. What sane man can deny that it is now time that you and I take counsel among ourselves to the end of finding justice for ourselves.”-Chp.1(tfoa)

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