The change of worlds is justified by the longing for something better!


Suspect Dies BaltimoreWhen the system that has been the pillar of society, is exposed for it’s inherent racist , imperial, and white supremacist view, it must be torn down. This also means removing those who have received and benefitted from the system the most, from power and from all centers influence, else they rebuild what is being torn down.

All faith in this hateful white based American power and judicial system has been lost. No one believes in anymore. Not even those who are still blinded to it’s true purpose.

Nearly half of US youth lack confidence in justice system: Harvard survey

….” By all means, we must get the “truth” to our people (the so-called Negroes), for the time is limited. The coming of a “New World,” or a new order of things is very hard for the people of the Old World to believe. Therefore, they are opposed to the New World.”-Chp.45(m.t.t.b.m.)

This is why there is so much confusion today. This is why there is no agreement anywhere. This is why there is war with the threat of more war.

We are in the change of worlds. The old world is dying out. Dissatisfaction has reached such a percentage that it is a must that we have a 100% change from what we now have.

It does not take a wise man to see the necessity of a new order or a new world, since the old one has fulfilled its purpose. Nothing is working. No one is satisfied. There is a great longing for this change that is now coming in!

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