America Today….An explosive situation


yukuAll around America in over 236 cities there is a growing protest movement. You would not know this by looking at the news. It’s funny how they can show us when other people of other nations protest their governments and rise up in masses, but they censor…hide…and deny this truth when it comes home to roost.

Funny huh? Not really, just ironic! This shows her bias and hypocritical stance.

yuku2 Even under a so-called black President, white America shows just how much hatred and contempt they have for you through the policies of local & state governments and through the empire’s internal enforcers…their police forces.

You cannot even befriend them lest they take advantage of it. They call you a fool for trying to befriend them. You see this daily.

yuku3But now things are bubbling up and boiling over. This is to force a separation……”The white man has had his way of ruling the Black people for so long that he thinks that he still has the power to do so while in reality the white man has come to the end of his time of power to rule the Black people.

Regardless to Allah’s (God’s) Retaliation to the white man for his evil acts done to the Black man, the white man still keeps inviting the retaliation of Allah (God). The white man must remember that he cannot win today over Allah (God) and His Servant, for He has power over the fraction of an atom.”-Chp.34(tfoa)

So now you are being put under the gun, because black America will no longer allow you to mistreat, beat, demonize, deceive, lie, exploit, and kill them without retribution.

Americans protest killing of black man by Baltimore police


A large number of people have again taken to the streets of the US city of Baltimore to protest the brutal death of a 25-year-old unarmed African-American man at the hands of white police officers.

The protesters marched on Saturday through one of this city’s most downtrodden neighborhoods to the district police station where Freddie Gray arrived with a broken spine after he was tortured by arresting police nearly two weeks ago. He died of the spinal injury he sustained during his the April 12 arrest.

The demonstrators were carrying placards bearing the message “Black Lives Matter” and “Justice 4 Freddie Gray”.

They also chanted slogans against racial discrimination and police brutality in the United States, with many shouting “No Justice No Peace,” which has become a centerpiece of the persisting protests over the past six days….More Here

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