US intransigence & arrogance may lead to nuclear holocaust


usc2 We know that on the surface it appears that America and Russia will go to war causing a nuclear holocaust. This is how it looks on the outward appearance. This is no reality though.

usc3 Yes we know that these two will fight it out. But their rage will be mostly contained and isolated to their confrontation in Europe. The God scientists who are ever present will prevent them from destroying the earth.

uscThis truth is what is missing when we talk of these two powers confrontation that is near. Regardless to how it looks to you and how strong America presents herself to you in public, “She boasts of her material and being able to destroy the people of earth thirty times. If she was left free to use her material maybe America could win, but the divine die was set against her long before she ever became America.”-pg.233(tfoa)

So remember these facts when you look at the current crisis in Ukraine. The unseen hand is still working and in control of all affairs!

US propaganda campaign against Russia could lead to nuclear catastrophe: Scholar

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Washington’s unprecedented propaganda campaign to demonize Russia and President Vladimir Putin could lead to a nuclear catastrophe, according to an American scholar in Madison, Wisconsin.

Professor James Henry Fetzer, an editor at Veterans Today, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Sunday while commenting on a former White House official’s article in which he warned that the US is pushing the world towards a nuclear armageddon.

“The propaganda campaign attempting to demonize Vladimir Putin and Russia is reaching unparalleled heights today, as Paul Craig Roberts has astutely delineated in his recent report about the frightening combination of extreme disinformation unrelated to the realities of the situation in the world, with 450 US ICBMs on hair-trigger alert, which, as he correctly observes, could lead to a nuclear catastrophe,” Fetzer said.

“The question that has to be raised is why all of this propaganda is taking place which is so pervasive, so extensive, so intense, which I believe can only be understood against the background of appreciating why any nation or party would have an interest in or benefit from demonizing Vladimir Putin in Russia,” he added.


“It appears to me is that the motives trace back to Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu who is outraged that Russia is providing Iran with advanced air defense systems, that are going to make all but impossible for Israel to launch an attack upon Iran’s nuclear facilities,” he noted.

“The events of 9/11 were artificially contrived by the CIA, the neocons in the Department of the Defense and Mossad to change US foreign policy from one in which – at least officially – ‘we’ve never attacked any nation that have not attacked us first’ to one in which we regain an aggressor nation [status], immediately launching attacks on Afghanistan, subsequently on Iraq, then on Libya, ongoing efforts to undermine Syria, and one expects that Iran is in the offing in the background as the ultimate target,” said Fetzer, the co-founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

On September, 11, 2001, unprecedented attacks destroyed the World Trade Center in New York and damaged the Pentagon in Washington. The attacks also killed nearly 3000 Americans.

US officials assert that the attacks were carried out by al-Qaeda terrorists but independent analysts say it was a false-flag operation carried out by US neoconservatives along with the Israeli intelligence agencies in order to accelerate the US war machine and advance the Zionist agenda.

“In addition, we have the neocons, where it must be remembered that most of these neocons are dual US-Israeli citizens,” Fetzer pointed out.

He went on to say that neoconservatives, such as Andrew Lack, are “conducting extraordinary disinformation campaign to even discredit Russia Today, which along with Press TV, maybe the most reliable truth-telling news outlets in the world today, suggesting that truth-tellers are terrorists.”…..More Here

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