US war planners fearful that China’s navy new missile renders US fleets sitting ducks in the event of war!


miss2Note: Whenever any independent nation develops means to defend themselves politically, culturally, economically, or politically against the most violent and aggressive nation on earth and in the history of the last 6,000years, America, she deems these nations acquisitions a threat.

This is how she presents it to the world. Her goals, her destabilization programs, her wars of aggression, her unmatched trillion dollar military budgets, her occupation of other nations, her sanctioning nations that has any disagreement her, her military war games and build up military build up on the borders of others that reside some thousands of miles from her shores is never considered or presented as a threat by her or her mouthpiece, the corporate media of the West.

  missIt’s astonishing! The blatant hypocrisy is unmatched in the annals of the last 6,000 years of history. One can ask…Has China conducted war games near America’s shores? Has China established bases surrounding America’s homeland causing national security concerns?

Has China tried to form an anti American alliance with Canada & Mexico and urged them to provoke America militarily? What about this? Has China deployed 60% of all advanced weaponry that it possesses to North America in a North American pivot?

miss3The answer to all of the above questions is no! But if we reverse the questions and point them towards America, the answers somehow changes to yes! So tell me, with a plan to invest in a global missile to shield you from retaliation against your aggressive acts of war, and your plans to invest at least $1trillion in ungrudging your 15,000 nuclear weapons, who is more of a threat and what missiles poses an imminent threat to national and international security?

America’s true worries lie in the fact that she knows what Messenger Elijah Muhammad said about that Yellow man of China and the rest of our Asian brothers focusing all of their guns(economic, military, and political) on America to take her and lay her low! She realizes that this is the time for that and even though she puts on a brave face, in reality she is going mad behind the scene!

One more thing. I want to bring this to your attention. If America wants to peaceful China rise as she states, and if she does not want her confrontation with China, and if she is determined for America and China to work together around the globe peacefully, then how can this Chinese missile be a “Major Threat” to the US navy unless America’s true intentions are to bully and rule with her weapons of war?

China’s YJ-18 Missiles a ‘Major Threat’ to US Navy

China is outfitting new naval destroyers with their potent new anti-ship missiles, which pose serious challenges to US naval defenses.

A recent report from the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) has confirmed the Chinese government’s own claims that “the newest class, the LUYANG III, destroyer is fitted with the new vertically-launched YJ-18 ASCM [anti-ship cruise missile].”

 —Pnbs3QsY_400x400Andrew Erickson @AndrewSErickson
When #China Daily & U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence both confirm YJ-18 supersonic ASCM, it’s time to pay attention!
6:58 AM – 10 Apr 2015(From Twitter feed)—-

The revelations about the the YJ-18 — a latest generation supersonic ASCM — are one of the major takeaways of the ONI’s overview of the developments in the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN).

So far there is only one Luyang III (also known as a 052D) destroyer with the proper vertical launch system (VLS) for the YJ-18 but China has said it plans to have 10 more operational by 2017.

“This missile, and its air-launched cousin, the YJ-12, are major threats to the U.S. Navy,” Lyle J. Goldstein, an associate professor in the China Maritime Studies Institute at the United States Naval War College, told the New York Times. “The major increase in speed makes the missile much harder to intercept.”

The ONI report also says the missile is being deployed on three classes of the PLAN’s submarines: Song-, Yuan-, and Shang-classes.


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qicsejzZ_normalJeff Gauvin @JeffersonObama
Jane’s Defense Weekly: YJ-18 missile can accelerate to Mach 3.0. at super low altitude for distance a range of 40 km
11:39 PM – 6 Apr 2015(Twitter Feed)—–

The missile has been reported to have “a cruise range of 180 km at Mach 0.8 and a sprint range of 40 km at Mach 2.5 to 3.0”
“Everyone serious about understanding Chinese military capabilities must familiarize themselves with this missile,” writes Andrew Erickson, associate professor at the US Naval War College in Rhode Island.

The increased speed and range of the missile, Erickson adds, “together with a sea-skimming flight profile and likelypossession of a command data link based on Internet photos, could make the YJ-18 extremely difficult to defend against.”

Chatter about the threat posed by the YJ-18 increased late in 2014 as a video surfaced on state-run CCTV purporting to show a test-launch of the missile……More Here


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