Food truck workers attacked by ‘rich’ guys hurling racial slurs: ‘Dude, I’m totally getting away with this’


Note: This is the true face of this wicked nation. America has reached the stage about which she always has been warned. Her judgment has come. Her injustice and hatred towards her ex-slaves is so intense that it demands a divine intervention.

…”America knows that her trouble lies in her mistreatment of the Black man, the so-called Negro, but she is too wicked to give up tricking the Negro and deceiving him on false promises. She just cannot stop. The opportunity is too open, and she thinks that there is no one to hinder her.

But God has chosen us to be His people, and He delights in fighting the enemy. According to the history of the former people, He delighted Himself by going forth against them when they exceeded the limit. So it is with America.

They must be separated. America will not agree to see the Negro separated from her until she has suffered divine punishment, as Pharaoh suffered. The same thing that other evil nations suffered before them is now coming upon this people.

She seeks to keep her slaves robbed of opportunity and wealth. She envies success coming to American Negro free slaves. She charges them high prices to keep them down. She deceives them through a few of what we call “Uncle Toms” in the political circle, clergy class and all professional classes.

She offers them little favoritism to help her work against their own people — the Black people. But they, too, will suffer along with the enemy of justice of the poor so-called Negro.

They must be separated. Envy and hatred are growing between the two people, regardless of their preachings of social integration. The truth must come.“-pgs.159 & 160(tfoa)

Food truck workers attacked by ‘rich’ guys hurling racial slurs: ‘Dude, I’m totally getting away with this’



Three Denver food truck vendors said they were attacked by a group of men after refusing service to a customer who was hurling racial slurs.

Terrence Gibbons said three men placed an order about 8:30 p.m. Friday, after the Colorado Rockies’ home opener, when one of the men began yelling obscenities and racial slurs, reported KMGH-TV.

“He pretty much singled me out for being black by using a word we’re all familiar with,” said Gibbons, who was serving barbecue from this new truck for just the second time.

“He kept using the N-word,” said Gibbons, owner of Big T’s Barbeque. “He kept saying that I didn’t really know what it was like to be black.”

He refused to serve the men, who he said appeared to be drunk, and one of them punched Gibbons’ friend in the face.

A fight broke out between the unruly customers and Gibbons and two friends helping him serve food.

One of the customers jumped Gibbons from behind and slammed his head into a car window, shattering the glass and knocking him unconscious.

Gibbons and a friend, Karl Umland, were hospitalized – but not before snapping photos of two of the assailants before they fled.

“I told him he wasn’t going to get away with it,” Umland said. “He was, like, ‘Dude, I’m totally getting away with this — my whole family is rich. We’re wealthy and my dad’s an attorney.’”

Photos of the suspects went viral within 48 hours, Umland said.5…..More Here

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