Black Americans killed by police in 2014 outnumbered those who died on 9/11


Her actions against her ex-slaves justifies God destruction of her. For Black America, America has always been the very shadow of death as spoken of in Psalms of the Bible. She must be death with and brought into a state of judgment.

Our future is at stake and most of don’t even recognize it. Therefore they continue embracing their deadly and vicious open enemies….”There is no justice for the poor, the so-called Negroes in America as long as they are subjects under the American flag. A great attempt is now being made on the poor, lost found, so called Negroes to deceive them by making false friendship, and the passage of Civil Rights bills, and forcing themselves to accept the lost-found (so-called Negroes) into their social equality.

This is only a trap for us.”-pg.118(tfoa)

Black Americans killed by police in 2014 outnumbered those who died on 9/11


The shocking footage of South Carolina man Walter Scott being shot in the back as he ran from North Charleston police officer Michael Slager is once again putting attention on the large number of Americans who are killed by police.

But how big is that number, exactly? Several news organizations have tried to answer that question lately, and have all come up with the answer that it’s a very difficult figure to pin down because of the way the FBI and other agencies report data.

One thing we can say with some level of certainty: More black Americans were killed by police in 2014 than were killed in the World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001.

Here’s how we know that. According to the Centers for Disease Control, there were 215 black victims of the 9/11 attacks (136 men, 79 women). The CDC even has data on education — 109 of those victims had college degrees.

Getting information that detailed about people killed by police in 2014 is not so straightforward. Estimates vary on the total number of Americans who died, but they tend to be around 1,000. pointed out that number is probably significantly too low, but it’s difficult to get close to an accurate count because of the way agencies count and report data.

However, there’s a more direct way to count these incidents that doesn’t involve estimates or averages, or government agencies., Reason, Think Progress and others have all cited the work of, a simple website that records mainstream media accounts of shootings as they occur, assembling them in a barebones database…..More Here

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