This thing could explode soon: US destroyer at Russia’s front door for military drills


America is so blinded by her arrogance that refuses to recognize that in this case with Russia, her closest military peer,  is able to defeat her in any confrontation be it economically, militarily, or nuclear wise.

She is uses the approach that likens every nation as a nail and she must use the hammer approached. When in this case she could wind up annihilated.

US destroyer at Russia’s front door for military drills


An American destroyer has arrived in the Black Sea to join Washington’s military exercises with NATO countries near Russian borders.

The United States began the drills, called Operation Atlantic Resolve, more than one year ago over the crisis in Ukraine.

The guided missile destroyer USS Jason Dunham entered the Black Sea on April 3.

The amphibious command ship Mount Whitney, frigate Taylor, cruiser Vella Gulf, and destroyers Truxtun, Donald Cook, Ross, and Cole are among other ships participated in the drills, the Navy Times reported.

Relations between Washington and Moscow have deteriorated over the conflict in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the US military deployed 750 tanks and thousands of troops to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in order to deter what it described “Russian aggression.”

US Army Europe said in a statement last month that the forces will remain deployed for about nine months to reassure the Baltic states of its commitment in the face of Russia’s “aggressive moves” in Ukraine.

American troops are in the Baltic countries for about one year now.

In an interview with Press TV last month, a political commentator said the United States and its European allies are seeking to overthrow the Russian government by escalating the confrontation with Moscow up to the “threshold of a thermonuclear war.”

Daniel Estulin, author of The True Story of the Bilderberg, said US President Barack Obama is orchestrating a regime change to topple Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The US and Britain have “reactivated a policy of threatening tactical nuclear warfare against Russia and China to force them to submit to the crumbling transatlantic financial empire,” Estulin said.

“That submission will not happen, however, as the Russian leadership has repeatedly made clear,” he added.

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