America’s war on Black America: DEA agent told to leave rich, white areas alone


maxresdefault-5…”A careful observer or seeker of truth of the time and history being made in these times can easily see how well the history of ancient Babylon, its rulers and its people fits in with the histories of the rulers and peoples of America and England.

America’s enslavement of the so-called Negro and England’s enslavement of people fit so completely with the history of ancient Babylon that it cannot be denied that the ancient history of the Babylonian empire and people was prototypical of America.”-Chp.33(TFOA)

DEA agent told to leave rich, white areas alone

” The rich, the wealthy and powerful rulers of America, from the mayors of cities, the police commissioners up to the President work to oppose the Black once-slave’s return to his own.”-Chp.30(TFOA)

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