The 10 horns shall hate the whore: Venezuela stages military drill to counter US ‘threat’


4c1cf889844b412695d125cc834c31d0_18Can’t you see what has arrived is the outline of the prophetic sayings of the prophets who foresaw the 10horns(the nations of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean nations), rising up against the great whore?

Venezuela's General  Vladimir Padrino speaks during a ceremony marking the 203rd anniversary of Venezuela's independence at the National Assembly in CaracasThe whore is hated amongst the nations, yet she tries her best to entice and threaten those who rise up against her. Her moves are to no avail because scripture must be fulfilled and is being fulfilled as we speak.

Venezuela stages military drill to counter US ‘threat’

Messenger Elijah Muhammad has already warned us of these things what what we should expect today….”America has not only lost and is still losing friendship all over Asia and Africa,…but she is now losing friendship right here with her next-door neighbors, Central and South America.

The manner — the ill-treatment and dislike with which they received the President’s Fact-Finding Committee — made it seem as though they should have been on the other side of the earth. Steps had to be taken to protect their physical self in a country which is right next-door to America.

However, the scripture must be fulfilled; they shall eat America’s bread and burn her body with fire.

I quote from Rev. 17:16, “And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore…and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire!” The ‘horns’ here are a symbolic reference to Central and South America (America’s satellites).

This means that America’s gifts and what-not will be accepted, but this does not mean that America has bought their sincere friendship. They will take all the gifts which America offers, but still this does not mean that America has their heart.”-pgs.108 & 109(tfoa)

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